Zea Mays by Herbert M. Prouty, 1886
Zea Mays by Herbert M. Prouty, 1886, Page 6
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4 Among the products of nature which have done much toward adding wealth and comfort to man, whether savage or civilized, [underlined] corn [/underlined] holds a very prominent position. It serves as food for both man and beast. Its preparations for the same are as varied as the customs of the peoples that cultivate it. Corn is probably indigenous to tropical America, although this is a disputed point. At the present time it is cultivated in all warm climates, and even in lands of a colder climate much is raised.
4 Among the products of nature which have done much toward adding wealth and comfort to man, whether savage or civilized, [underlined] corn [/underlined] holds a very prominent position. It serves as food for both man and beast. Its preparations for the same are as varied as the customs of the peoples that cultivate it. Corn is probably indigenous to tropical America, although this is a disputed point. At the present time it is cultivated in all warm climates, and even in lands of a colder climate much is raised.
Scholarship at Iowa