Zea Mays by Herbert M. Prouty, 1886
Zea Mays by Herbert M. Prouty, 1886, Page 23
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21 13805 the tissue of which is penetrated by fibro-vascular bundles; but these latter differ from those of the stem and leaves in the first vessels being found neared the circumference of the bundle, whereas the later bundles are always formed further inside, and hence centripetally in reference to the diameter of the root. Sach. In corn we have roots, rootlets and roothairs upon the rootlets. Roots called brace roots grow from the first and second joints of the stalk. The joint sometimes being 10 to 12 inches from the ground. These roots do no generally start till
21 13805 the tissue of which is penetrated by fibro-vascular bundles; but these latter differ from those of the stem and leaves in the first vessels being found neared the circumference of the bundle, whereas the later bundles are always formed further inside, and hence centripetally in reference to the diameter of the root. Sach. In corn we have roots, rootlets and roothairs upon the rootlets. Roots called brace roots grow from the first and second joints of the stalk. The joint sometimes being 10 to 12 inches from the ground. These roots do no generally start till
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