Zea Mays by Herbert M. Prouty, 1886
Zea Mays by Herbert M. Prouty, 1886, Page 24
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22 the corn is nearly ready to "tassel." The name [underlined] "brace root" [/underlined] suggests their use to the plant. If the field of corn is swept by a severe wind before the brace-roots have reached the ground and gotten a hold, the stalks are very apt to be blown nearly flat. If the corn is not too far along it will straighten up considerably. Rootlets or secondary roots usually make their appearance on the exterior of the fibro-vascular bundles; the fibro vascular bundle of the secondary root is then placed at right angles or nearly so to the mother organ; the cortex is then only incompletely continuous with that
22 the corn is nearly ready to "tassel." The name [underlined] "brace root" [/underlined] suggests their use to the plant. If the field of corn is swept by a severe wind before the brace-roots have reached the ground and gotten a hold, the stalks are very apt to be blown nearly flat. If the corn is not too far along it will straighten up considerably. Rootlets or secondary roots usually make their appearance on the exterior of the fibro-vascular bundles; the fibro vascular bundle of the secondary root is then placed at right angles or nearly so to the mother organ; the cortex is then only incompletely continuous with that
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