Zea Mays by Herbert M. Prouty, 1886
Zea Mays by Herbert M. Prouty, 1886, Page 53
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% of phosphoric pentoxide 8.1 % of sulphuric trioxide 5.2 % of silica 38.0 Amount of ash found in the cob % of ash 0.56 % of potash 47.1 % of soda 1.2 % of magnesia 4.1 % of lime 3.4 % of phos. pent. 4.4 % of sulp. trioxide 1.9 % of silica 26.4 % of sugar in air-dry corn-meel 3.71 % of gum in air-dry corn-meel 3.05 % of cellulose in a grain of corn. 5.5 % of cellulose in a corn cob 38.0
% of phosphoric pentoxide 8.1 % of sulphuric trioxide 5.2 % of silica 38.0 Amount of ash found in the cob % of ash 0.56 % of potash 47.1 % of soda 1.2 % of magnesia 4.1 % of lime 3.4 % of phos. pent. 4.4 % of sulp. trioxide 1.9 % of silica 26.4 % of sugar in air-dry corn-meel 3.71 % of gum in air-dry corn-meel 3.05 % of cellulose in a grain of corn. 5.5 % of cellulose in a corn cob 38.0
Scholarship at Iowa