Zea Mays by Herbert M. Prouty, 1886
Zea Mays by Herbert M. Prouty, 1886, Page 74
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64 1. Section of surface of under side of blade. a. epidermal cell b. stoma c. Nucleus of epidermal cell 2. Section of 1 enlarged a. protoplasm of cell c. Nucleus of modified epidermal cell d. Cleft or slit through epidermis e. protoplasm of modified epi. cell f. Nucleus showing nucleolus.
64 1. Section of surface of under side of blade. a. epidermal cell b. stoma c. Nucleus of epidermal cell 2. Section of 1 enlarged a. protoplasm of cell c. Nucleus of modified epidermal cell d. Cleft or slit through epidermis e. protoplasm of modified epi. cell f. Nucleus showing nucleolus.
Scholarship at Iowa