Conger Reynolds correspondence, July 1918
1918-07-08 Daphne Reynolds to Conger Reynolds Page 1
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PM 7/8/18 Dearest, There is nothing to tell you today, save that I love you. You must never tire of hearing that, sweetheart, because I can never tell you half enough. It is raining again today and cold! Oh my! I'm going to put on heavies if it keeps on this way. Honey, I'll freeze in Iowa, I know I will.
PM 7/8/18 Dearest, There is nothing to tell you today, save that I love you. You must never tire of hearing that, sweetheart, because I can never tell you half enough. It is raining again today and cold! Oh my! I'm going to put on heavies if it keeps on this way. Honey, I'll freeze in Iowa, I know I will.
World War I Diaries and Letters