Conger Reynolds correspondence, July 1918
1918-07-13 Daphne Reynolds to Conger Reynolds Page 2
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even yet wasn't of very imposing height. Of course that is nothing against him, but it only proves that if he were a really Intelligent officer, he'd never be in another picture with my Handsome Hubby. H.H. stands there with that Sherlock Gut expression, but I must admit Lieut. Parks, I mean, looks as tho he is explaining the "funnies" to two kids. (You & Lieut. M. being the kids.) Certainly a man who would grow such an eyebrow on his upper lip must be rather flirtatious. I'll bet a dollar the French girls simply mob him. Anyway, it's a very nice picture, and you'll never know how nice it was to open an envelope and find my hubby. I wish they were less strict with this snapshot business. It would be no end of a lift if I might have a picture of you once in a while. The doorway where you stand looks very like our entrance on Rosenheimer Strasse. If you happen to be
even yet wasn't of very imposing height. Of course that is nothing against him, but it only proves that if he were a really Intelligent officer, he'd never be in another picture with my Handsome Hubby. H.H. stands there with that Sherlock Gut expression, but I must admit Lieut. Parks, I mean, looks as tho he is explaining the "funnies" to two kids. (You & Lieut. M. being the kids.) Certainly a man who would grow such an eyebrow on his upper lip must be rather flirtatious. I'll bet a dollar the French girls simply mob him. Anyway, it's a very nice picture, and you'll never know how nice it was to open an envelope and find my hubby. I wish they were less strict with this snapshot business. It would be no end of a lift if I might have a picture of you once in a while. The doorway where you stand looks very like our entrance on Rosenheimer Strasse. If you happen to be
World War I Diaries and Letters