Conger Reynolds correspondence, July 1918
1918-07-13 Daphne Reynolds to Conger Reynolds Page 9
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me realize so much more how far away you are. I'm not a slacker, honey. You know that. And I'm happy to think you are doing your bit. But having once known the wonder of your kiss -- the wonder of your love, Sweetheart -- can you guess how i am longing for the time where you can come back to me? Be my own good Sweetheart always, dear -- and I know you will. I am very proud of your every act, Conger, and very, very deeply in love with you. Kisses -- Daphne Adrian, Minn July 13th, '18
me realize so much more how far away you are. I'm not a slacker, honey. You know that. And I'm happy to think you are doing your bit. But having once known the wonder of your kiss -- the wonder of your love, Sweetheart -- can you guess how i am longing for the time where you can come back to me? Be my own good Sweetheart always, dear -- and I know you will. I am very proud of your every act, Conger, and very, very deeply in love with you. Kisses -- Daphne Adrian, Minn July 13th, '18
World War I Diaries and Letters