Conger Reynolds correspondence, July 1918
1918-07-21 Conger Reynolds to Daphne Reynolds Page 5
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empty their heads in short order are the ones who do it. Those who could say a lot and still have plenty left, usually don't bother to show all they know. The congressmen departed yesterday. They were as innocent as children of knowing or understanding much about what the army is doing here, and frankly admitted it. We liked them for their openness and also for their heartiness in being hale good fellows. They gave us a lot of congressional soft soap which we enjoyed, knowing well that it was soft soap. Did I tell you that they took our names and next of kin's names, saying they intended to put in the congressional record a tribute to our genius as hosts. So, if you get a Congressional Record you'll know what it is. I am wearing my first gold stripe on the left sleeve of my blouse now. Yesterday I completed my first six months of overseas service. It's nice to have the chevron, to be something of a vet among all the new men around now, though a lot of men already have two. I'll never catch up with them. Two look much better than one -- but I'll not kick if the war ends before I get my second. What is tonight the anniversary of? I can't think, unless it is of the night Joe came along and monopolized you. I guess I haven't anything to celebrate about
empty their heads in short order are the ones who do it. Those who could say a lot and still have plenty left, usually don't bother to show all they know. The congressmen departed yesterday. They were as innocent as children of knowing or understanding much about what the army is doing here, and frankly admitted it. We liked them for their openness and also for their heartiness in being hale good fellows. They gave us a lot of congressional soft soap which we enjoyed, knowing well that it was soft soap. Did I tell you that they took our names and next of kin's names, saying they intended to put in the congressional record a tribute to our genius as hosts. So, if you get a Congressional Record you'll know what it is. I am wearing my first gold stripe on the left sleeve of my blouse now. Yesterday I completed my first six months of overseas service. It's nice to have the chevron, to be something of a vet among all the new men around now, though a lot of men already have two. I'll never catch up with them. Two look much better than one -- but I'll not kick if the war ends before I get my second. What is tonight the anniversary of? I can't think, unless it is of the night Joe came along and monopolized you. I guess I haven't anything to celebrate about
World War I Diaries and Letters