Conger Reynolds correspondence, July 1918
1918-07-27 Daphne Reynolds to Conger Reynolds Page 4
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an old German here calls it. So I went for a ride with Eddie and listened to his brogue for an hour or so. I have never tired of hearing Ed talk. His "rrrr" is the most refreshing thing in the world, and the best part of it is I can laugh at him without angering him. Today is the hottest day in the season. Missouri has nothing on this state. And tomorrow we have to go to visit the Swedes. I suppose your letters will come here now, and I'll have another wait. It's been a million years since last I heard from you, but I'll love you just the same, if you'll assure me that you haven't forgotten you have a wife --- Daphne.
an old German here calls it. So I went for a ride with Eddie and listened to his brogue for an hour or so. I have never tired of hearing Ed talk. His "rrrr" is the most refreshing thing in the world, and the best part of it is I can laugh at him without angering him. Today is the hottest day in the season. Missouri has nothing on this state. And tomorrow we have to go to visit the Swedes. I suppose your letters will come here now, and I'll have another wait. It's been a million years since last I heard from you, but I'll love you just the same, if you'll assure me that you haven't forgotten you have a wife --- Daphne.
World War I Diaries and Letters