Conger Reynolds correspondence, July 1918
1918-07-27 Conger Reynolds to Daphne Reynolds Page 1
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128 27 July, 1918. Dearest,-- The rain is dripping down outside, and has been doing that all day. It doesn't pour nor yet decide to quit the job and go away. All day the drizzle has just driz with steady, soppy certainty of stopping only when it is through drizzling as it ought to be. I can't say that I give a hang; the lettuce needs the driz and prob--ably the other greens that gang up in the gardens for the job of feeding hungry folks. All day I haven't done a thing but list--en to the rain and pass away the dragging hours. There just ain't been a thing to break the calm that sits in this man's town all through as if the war were one sweet psalm and soldiers had nothing to do but loaf around. That guy who said, "They also
128 27 July, 1918. Dearest,-- The rain is dripping down outside, and has been doing that all day. It doesn't pour nor yet decide to quit the job and go away. All day the drizzle has just driz with steady, soppy certainty of stopping only when it is through drizzling as it ought to be. I can't say that I give a hang; the lettuce needs the driz and prob--ably the other greens that gang up in the gardens for the job of feeding hungry folks. All day I haven't done a thing but list--en to the rain and pass away the dragging hours. There just ain't been a thing to break the calm that sits in this man's town all through as if the war were one sweet psalm and soldiers had nothing to do but loaf around. That guy who said, "They also
World War I Diaries and Letters