Conger Reynolds correspondence, June 1918
1918-06-06 Daphne Reynolds to Conger Reynolds Page 1
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PM 6/6/18 My Very Dearest,- Hare I be, clar down in Arkansas. The idea has suddenly presented itself that perhaps I should have had your kind and gracious permission, but I'm not sure about it. You see, never having been married before it is a bit hard to know just what I, as a dutiful Wif, am supposed to do. If I fall below par just jerk me up from time to time and I'll learn more rapidly.
PM 6/6/18 My Very Dearest,- Hare I be, clar down in Arkansas. The idea has suddenly presented itself that perhaps I should have had your kind and gracious permission, but I'm not sure about it. You see, never having been married before it is a bit hard to know just what I, as a dutiful Wif, am supposed to do. If I fall below par just jerk me up from time to time and I'll learn more rapidly.
World War I Diaries and Letters