Conger Reynolds correspondence, June 1918
1918-06-14 Daphne Reynolds to Conger Reynolds Page 10
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than the Arkansawyers. They are doing without their wheat almost all together, and with very little sugar and butter. I keep thinking that the war will end soon, in spite of things you say to the contrary. I suppose that is because I love you so, and long for you. Sweetheart, your letters are wonderful. You express yourself so beautifully, while I can only think, think, think, and feel my love for you so keenly that I ache for need of you. About the night at Harriet - I am glad you were such a nice boy. I loved you more for it. I should have hated you, had you amused yourself with me as you did with ---- whoa! Streng verboten! If I could kiss you, Sweetheart, if I could kiss you!! And I suppose when the moment comes that I may, I shall be so choked by my love for you that I can only look at you in perfect adoration. Night, beloved. Your own Wif - Daphne.
than the Arkansawyers. They are doing without their wheat almost all together, and with very little sugar and butter. I keep thinking that the war will end soon, in spite of things you say to the contrary. I suppose that is because I love you so, and long for you. Sweetheart, your letters are wonderful. You express yourself so beautifully, while I can only think, think, think, and feel my love for you so keenly that I ache for need of you. About the night at Harriet - I am glad you were such a nice boy. I loved you more for it. I should have hated you, had you amused yourself with me as you did with ---- whoa! Streng verboten! If I could kiss you, Sweetheart, if I could kiss you!! And I suppose when the moment comes that I may, I shall be so choked by my love for you that I can only look at you in perfect adoration. Night, beloved. Your own Wif - Daphne.
World War I Diaries and Letters