Conger Reynolds correspondence, June 1918
1918-06-14 Conger Reynolds to Daphne Reynolds Page 3
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I should do. This afternoon I fell asleep on my bed and dreamed about you. Unfortunately I had to wake up and find it was all a dream. Later I had a good soaking bath at the public bains and went to work feeling as fresh as a new-laid egg (some simile! you needn't reply that you think it appropriate of me to call myself an egg). We see much of the ceaseless activity that goes on behind a busy front. It warms the blood to hear the measured tread of soldiery in the street, and on looking out, to see a column of splendidly fit looking Americans stretching back as far as one can see, all bound for the front. They are becoming numerous now, and they have demonstrated their excellent fighting quality; and it is gratifying to observe the new hope and confidence they are giving to the French, who earlier in the year were beginning to ask when we were really going to so something besides make preparations. Last night as I pushed back the curtains and pulled open the
I should do. This afternoon I fell asleep on my bed and dreamed about you. Unfortunately I had to wake up and find it was all a dream. Later I had a good soaking bath at the public bains and went to work feeling as fresh as a new-laid egg (some simile! you needn't reply that you think it appropriate of me to call myself an egg). We see much of the ceaseless activity that goes on behind a busy front. It warms the blood to hear the measured tread of soldiery in the street, and on looking out, to see a column of splendidly fit looking Americans stretching back as far as one can see, all bound for the front. They are becoming numerous now, and they have demonstrated their excellent fighting quality; and it is gratifying to observe the new hope and confidence they are giving to the French, who earlier in the year were beginning to ask when we were really going to so something besides make preparations. Last night as I pushed back the curtains and pulled open the
World War I Diaries and Letters