Conger Reynolds correspondence, June 1918
Conger Reynolds to Daphne Reynolds Page 1
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105 My Very Own Wife,- Well, this am de close of a perfick day. The whole celebration went fine. Out of a blue and white sky the sunshine poured golden, keeping the pure air of Lorraine just warm enough for solid comfort. Almost nothing in the way of work appeared. So, since I had to stay near-by, I spent most of the afternoon playing in my room. Among various things I did was the writing of letters to my mother and my sister whom I reminded that this was a rather significant occasion for me, marking as it did the passing of half a year since you married me. I'm sorry we couldn't have been doing it over today
105 My Very Own Wife,- Well, this am de close of a perfick day. The whole celebration went fine. Out of a blue and white sky the sunshine poured golden, keeping the pure air of Lorraine just warm enough for solid comfort. Almost nothing in the way of work appeared. So, since I had to stay near-by, I spent most of the afternoon playing in my room. Among various things I did was the writing of letters to my mother and my sister whom I reminded that this was a rather significant occasion for me, marking as it did the passing of half a year since you married me. I'm sorry we couldn't have been doing it over today
World War I Diaries and Letters