Conger Reynolds correspondence, June 1918
1918-06-26 Oliver P. Newman to Conger Reynolds Page 1
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26 June 18. My dear Conger: Hello, boy! We are here at last. Mother received your letter while at Camp Lee, Petersburg, Va., visiting me a month ago, just before we left. She and father were with me for a fine visit the last two weeks. Jennie was there the last six weeks. We've been over two weeks but the only time for writing heretofore I have spent writing home. We are billeted while waiting for room at a nearby artillery training camp, and although we are spread all over the map, are very comfortable. My bttn. is at a beautiful old chateau and I have the big room where visiting kings slept 400 years ago, canopied beds, and all. We expect to be in training about two months near here.
26 June 18. My dear Conger: Hello, boy! We are here at last. Mother received your letter while at Camp Lee, Petersburg, Va., visiting me a month ago, just before we left. She and father were with me for a fine visit the last two weeks. Jennie was there the last six weeks. We've been over two weeks but the only time for writing heretofore I have spent writing home. We are billeted while waiting for room at a nearby artillery training camp, and although we are spread all over the map, are very comfortable. My bttn. is at a beautiful old chateau and I have the big room where visiting kings slept 400 years ago, canopied beds, and all. We expect to be in training about two months near here.
World War I Diaries and Letters