LULAC Glances, 1968-1971
1969-10-18 Newsletter: ""LULAC Glances"" Page 6
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(5) LULAC GLANCES LULAC NATIONAL SUPREME COUNCIL MEETING....October 10, 11, 1969 in Washington, D.C. at the Statler Hilton Hotel. Top Level Government Department Heads such as Department of Labor, H.U.D., O.E.O., Defense Department and many others will hear and speak at this meeting. All LULAC National Officers and State Officers are urged to attend. Iowa State Director is to attend and will report eh outcome of this meeting to the LULAC's in Iowa in the next issue of LULAC GLANCES. !!!!! SCHOLARSHIPS!!!!!!!SCHOLARSHIPS!!!!!!!!!SCHOLARSHIPS!!!!!!!!SCHOLARSHIPS!!!!!! All LULAC Officers and Members are to be advised that through the State Office we are now able to attain Tuition-Aid Grants and Scholarships with the following: Iowa University, Iowa State; St. Ambrose College, and Marycrest College (Women Only). Please make this information available to the Mexican American High School Student who will graduate this coming year, or to any recent high school graduate of Mexican descent who would like to go to college, but needs the financial help to go or to stay in college. Interested parties should write to Iowa LULAC State Director, 1216 N. Concord, Davenport, Iowa 52804. ******I am still not get a copy of the minutes of the council meetings from some of the councils in Iowa. What you send me of your activities is what I can put in the Glances. It need not be typed, long hand will do! State Director's DANCE Saturday, October 18, 1969 Eagles Danceland, 4th and Scott, Davenport, Iowa LOS REALES of Davenport 9:00 P.M. to 1:00 A.M. Donation.....$1.50 per person.............No Reservations First Come, First Served!!! LULAC BASKETBALL TEAM DANCE Saturday, October 25, 1969 Fort Armstrong Hotel, Rock Island, Illinois LOS REALES 9:00 P.M. to 1:00 A.M. Admission.....$1.75 per person $3.00 per couple...........No Reservations First Come, First Served!!!!!! L.U.L.A.C. HALLOWEEN DANCE Saturday, November 1, 1969 Fort Armstrong Hotel, Rock Island, Illinois LOS REALES 9:00 P.M. to 1:00 A.M. ******For further information as to price and reservation, please call the following telephone numbers: 322-9667 or 326-1762 Iowa Lulac State Director John A. Terronez 1216 N. Concord Davenport, Iowa 52804 Iowa Deputy State Director Mrs. Ila Plasencia 1825 Pearl Drive West Des Moines, Iowa 50262
(5) LULAC GLANCES LULAC NATIONAL SUPREME COUNCIL MEETING....October 10, 11, 1969 in Washington, D.C. at the Statler Hilton Hotel. Top Level Government Department Heads such as Department of Labor, H.U.D., O.E.O., Defense Department and many others will hear and speak at this meeting. All LULAC National Officers and State Officers are urged to attend. Iowa State Director is to attend and will report eh outcome of this meeting to the LULAC's in Iowa in the next issue of LULAC GLANCES. !!!!! SCHOLARSHIPS!!!!!!!SCHOLARSHIPS!!!!!!!!!SCHOLARSHIPS!!!!!!!!SCHOLARSHIPS!!!!!! All LULAC Officers and Members are to be advised that through the State Office we are now able to attain Tuition-Aid Grants and Scholarships with the following: Iowa University, Iowa State; St. Ambrose College, and Marycrest College (Women Only). Please make this information available to the Mexican American High School Student who will graduate this coming year, or to any recent high school graduate of Mexican descent who would like to go to college, but needs the financial help to go or to stay in college. Interested parties should write to Iowa LULAC State Director, 1216 N. Concord, Davenport, Iowa 52804. ******I am still not get a copy of the minutes of the council meetings from some of the councils in Iowa. What you send me of your activities is what I can put in the Glances. It need not be typed, long hand will do! State Director's DANCE Saturday, October 18, 1969 Eagles Danceland, 4th and Scott, Davenport, Iowa LOS REALES of Davenport 9:00 P.M. to 1:00 A.M. Donation.....$1.50 per person.............No Reservations First Come, First Served!!! LULAC BASKETBALL TEAM DANCE Saturday, October 25, 1969 Fort Armstrong Hotel, Rock Island, Illinois LOS REALES 9:00 P.M. to 1:00 A.M. Admission.....$1.75 per person $3.00 per couple...........No Reservations First Come, First Served!!!!!! L.U.L.A.C. HALLOWEEN DANCE Saturday, November 1, 1969 Fort Armstrong Hotel, Rock Island, Illinois LOS REALES 9:00 P.M. to 1:00 A.M. ******For further information as to price and reservation, please call the following telephone numbers: 322-9667 or 326-1762 Iowa Lulac State Director John A. Terronez 1216 N. Concord Davenport, Iowa 52804 Iowa Deputy State Director Mrs. Ila Plasencia 1825 Pearl Drive West Des Moines, Iowa 50262
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