Columnas, 1970-1971
1971-05-28 ""La Raza"" Page 9
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-9- sanction could be given at that historic hour. It was decided that those present participate as individuals and that each participant return to his or her home state with the mandate of La Raza Unida to explain its philosophy and purpose to those Latin-American organizations throughout their respective states. Included in La Raza Unida mandate was the task of establishing a La Raza Unida Association in the participants home state. The second major conference of La Raza Unida took place on January 6, 1968 at Kennedy high School in San Antonio, Texas. During the La Raza Unida Conference in San Antonio, Dr. Ernest Galarza, Chairman of La Raza Unida crystalized the meaning of La Raza Unida movement. "This is the dawn of a new era for the Mexican-American. The Mexican-American has many problems, most of which he will not be able to solve by himself. But the spirit of unity shown here in San Antonio today, answers by itself the meaning of "La Raza Unida", a meaningful effort by Mexican-Americans in all walks of life to forge a better future for themselves and their children." He asserted the repercussions of La Raza Unida Conference held in San Antonio "will reach the whole nation." No truer words could have been spoken, because at that very moment in history La Raza Unida fires were being kindled in every major Mexican-American community in Michigan. On May 19, 1968 seventy-eight (78) representatives from these communities met at Cristo Rey Center in Lansing, Michigan. The meeting was chaired by Mr. Robert Uribe of Saginaw. The representatives elected Mr. Ruben Alfaro of Lansing, as temporary chairman, a steering committee composed of two representatives from each community, was established to carry on the business of La Raza Unida. On June 7, 1968 the Steering committee elected Mr. Raymend Cardenas, of Coldwater as Chairman, and Mr. Jesse Soriano was elected Vice-Chairman. The Steering Committee's first business was to plan and execute a state conference for the purpose of hearing the grievances from the Mexican-American community in Michigan. La Raza Unida of Michigan Issues Conference was held on September 21, 1968 at O'Rafferty High School in Lansing, Michigan. Mr. Reies Tijerina, Leader of the Land Grant Movement in New Mexico, gave the keynote address at the Issues conference. Three hundred (300) persons attended the Issues Conference, The participants petitioned the Steering Committee to officially establish La Raza Unida by writing a constitution for La Raza Unida of Michigan. CANCION "De Colores" De colores, de colores Se visten los campos en la primavera De colores, de colores Son los pajaritos que vienen de afuera De colores, de colores Es el arco iris que vemos lucir Coro: Y por eso los grandes amores De muchos colores me gustan a mi Y por eso los grandes amores De muchos colores me gustan a mi. Canta el gallo, canta el gallo Con el Kiri kiri kiri kiri ki ri La gallina, la gallina Con el cara, cara cara cara ca ra Los polluelos, los polluelos Con el pio pio pio pi HISTORIA DE LA CANCION La cancion "De Colores" se origino en el movimiento Cursillista Catolico en Espana. Dicen que un grupo de cursillistas cuando venian de regreso de un cursillo en su carro, se les estallo un llanta y tuvieron que detenerse para repararla. Viendo el paisaje bayada en la luz del sol de la manana se inspiraron para componer la cancion De Colores y asi expresar la alegria que sentian al contemplar a hermosura del paisaje. Desde entonces De Colores se hizo muy popular en todo el mundo de habla espanola y ahora se esta conociendo como una de las canciones preferidas en el movimiento Chicano.
-9- sanction could be given at that historic hour. It was decided that those present participate as individuals and that each participant return to his or her home state with the mandate of La Raza Unida to explain its philosophy and purpose to those Latin-American organizations throughout their respective states. Included in La Raza Unida mandate was the task of establishing a La Raza Unida Association in the participants home state. The second major conference of La Raza Unida took place on January 6, 1968 at Kennedy high School in San Antonio, Texas. During the La Raza Unida Conference in San Antonio, Dr. Ernest Galarza, Chairman of La Raza Unida crystalized the meaning of La Raza Unida movement. "This is the dawn of a new era for the Mexican-American. The Mexican-American has many problems, most of which he will not be able to solve by himself. But the spirit of unity shown here in San Antonio today, answers by itself the meaning of "La Raza Unida", a meaningful effort by Mexican-Americans in all walks of life to forge a better future for themselves and their children." He asserted the repercussions of La Raza Unida Conference held in San Antonio "will reach the whole nation." No truer words could have been spoken, because at that very moment in history La Raza Unida fires were being kindled in every major Mexican-American community in Michigan. On May 19, 1968 seventy-eight (78) representatives from these communities met at Cristo Rey Center in Lansing, Michigan. The meeting was chaired by Mr. Robert Uribe of Saginaw. The representatives elected Mr. Ruben Alfaro of Lansing, as temporary chairman, a steering committee composed of two representatives from each community, was established to carry on the business of La Raza Unida. On June 7, 1968 the Steering committee elected Mr. Raymend Cardenas, of Coldwater as Chairman, and Mr. Jesse Soriano was elected Vice-Chairman. The Steering Committee's first business was to plan and execute a state conference for the purpose of hearing the grievances from the Mexican-American community in Michigan. La Raza Unida of Michigan Issues Conference was held on September 21, 1968 at O'Rafferty High School in Lansing, Michigan. Mr. Reies Tijerina, Leader of the Land Grant Movement in New Mexico, gave the keynote address at the Issues conference. Three hundred (300) persons attended the Issues Conference, The participants petitioned the Steering Committee to officially establish La Raza Unida by writing a constitution for La Raza Unida of Michigan. CANCION "De Colores" De colores, de colores Se visten los campos en la primavera De colores, de colores Son los pajaritos que vienen de afuera De colores, de colores Es el arco iris que vemos lucir Coro: Y por eso los grandes amores De muchos colores me gustan a mi Y por eso los grandes amores De muchos colores me gustan a mi. Canta el gallo, canta el gallo Con el Kiri kiri kiri kiri ki ri La gallina, la gallina Con el cara, cara cara cara ca ra Los polluelos, los polluelos Con el pio pio pio pi HISTORIA DE LA CANCION La cancion "De Colores" se origino en el movimiento Cursillista Catolico en Espana. Dicen que un grupo de cursillistas cuando venian de regreso de un cursillo en su carro, se les estallo un llanta y tuvieron que detenerse para repararla. Viendo el paisaje bayada en la luz del sol de la manana se inspiraron para componer la cancion De Colores y asi expresar la alegria que sentian al contemplar a hermosura del paisaje. Desde entonces De Colores se hizo muy popular en todo el mundo de habla espanola y ahora se esta conociendo como una de las canciones preferidas en el movimiento Chicano.
Campus Culture