NAACP newsletters, Fort Madison Branch, Fort Madison, Iowa, 1963
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Fact Sheet #1 July, 1963 EQUAL CITIZENSHIP RIGHTS FOR ALL IS THE FOUNDATION OF OUR DEMOCRACY The Negro is the largest minority in our country. Three hundred years of slavery created such difficult and complex problems that many remain unresolved one hundred years after the Emancipation Proclamation, ninety-five years after passage of the 14th Amendment, and nine years after the U.S. Supreme Court decision against segregated schools. Public demonstrations, sit-ins, and marches draw attention to the backlog of unredressed grievances of long standing. The major ones are denial of voting rights, racial discrimination in public accommodations, the support of segregated institutions with Federal funds, too slow desegregation of schools and racial discrimination in employment and apprenticeship training. Our very deep concern in Iowa is the failure of both our Senators and our Congressmen to support actively the Administration's pending legislation for civil rights. We favor Senator Miller's agreement to vote for cloture. We deplore his willingness to give up before the battle begins on public accommodations. Iowa already has a good public accommodations law. Senator Hickenlooper cannot be counted in the ranks of those who will oppose the undemocratic filibuster. He holds that property rights are more important than human rights. He opposes the extension of Federal power to deal with the present crisis in race relations created by the Southern states. CORE, Des Moines, Iowa Chairman pro tem, Mrs. Stanley Griffin University of Iowa, Iowa Women's Archives
Fact Sheet #1 July, 1963 EQUAL CITIZENSHIP RIGHTS FOR ALL IS THE FOUNDATION OF OUR DEMOCRACY The Negro is the largest minority in our country. Three hundred years of slavery created such difficult and complex problems that many remain unresolved one hundred years after the Emancipation Proclamation, ninety-five years after passage of the 14th Amendment, and nine years after the U.S. Supreme Court decision against segregated schools. Public demonstrations, sit-ins, and marches draw attention to the backlog of unredressed grievances of long standing. The major ones are denial of voting rights, racial discrimination in public accommodations, the support of segregated institutions with Federal funds, too slow desegregation of schools and racial discrimination in employment and apprenticeship training. Our very deep concern in Iowa is the failure of both our Senators and our Congressmen to support actively the Administration's pending legislation for civil rights. We favor Senator Miller's agreement to vote for cloture. We deplore his willingness to give up before the battle begins on public accommodations. Iowa already has a good public accommodations law. Senator Hickenlooper cannot be counted in the ranks of those who will oppose the undemocratic filibuster. He holds that property rights are more important than human rights. He opposes the extension of Federal power to deal with the present crisis in race relations created by the Southern states. CORE, Des Moines, Iowa Chairman pro tem, Mrs. Stanley Griffin University of Iowa, Iowa Women's Archives
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