NAACP newsletters, Fort Madison Branch, Fort Madison, Iowa, 1963
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-2- the choice must be YOURS! Election time is drawing near and everyone in the North is able to vote if the register, properly. Since we are in the process of fighting for ALL the rights which accompany first-class citizenship, we must take advantage of those duties which will help us ! The power of the ballot is undeniable and every vote counts ! Evaluate each candidate in terms of your needs as a citizen. Extensive preparation is being made for the Fort Madison Human Rights Rally which will be held. November 3, 1963, at 3:30 PM in the Junior High School Auditorium. Mr. John Griffin, author of "Black Like Me", will be the featured speaker. The March which will precede the Rally will take place on the 2nd of November. We are getting much enthusiastic support and participation from members of the Clergy and others who are sympathetic with our cause, that we sincerely hope all persons who are able, will join us in the March and at the Rally ! All persons who wish to take part in the march are requested to meet at Central Park which is bordered on the north and south by Avenues E and F and on the east and west by 9th and 10th Streets. The time for all participants to be at the park is 12 noon on Saturday November 2nd! Many of us have been watching closely the progress being made by the Los Angeles NAACP in their efforts to see that Negroes who are qualified are hired on TV crews. The show, 'Hazel', was the first target! Reports state that a Negro crewman HAS been hired! NAACP MEETING FORT MADISON, IOWA, BRANCH OCTOBER 21, 1963 AQUINAS HIGH SCHOOL 7:30 PM MONDAY Everyone is welcome! Each day, it becomes more evident that there is a definite lack of communication between the minority groups and the majority of the members of the white community. For this reason, our branch has established a Speakers Bureau and started machinery for informal home visits and discussions. We hope these methods will serve to effectively convey the purpose and goals of the NAACP to members of the local minority groups, as well as the white community. Communication is a basic part of any form of human interaction, therefore, lack of it stands as a barrier to understanding. People seldom react rationally to the unknown which they cannot possibly comprehend! Protests, boycotts and demonstrations have been staged any times by whites who felt their rights were being violated. Today, with sustained and varied protests by Negroes taking place throughout America, one constantly hears the cry that these methods are wrong! Three hundred years of oppression seems an adequate reason for protest. On the other hand, it also is the basis for the fear which makes many Negroes reluctant to identify with any of the civil rights groups. This is their right and we can only hope that someday they will understand those of us who feel the need to be actively involved in this fight for civil rights. However, for them, as well as for the whites who say, 'slow down' and 'be patient', it is important that we try to establish an effective means of communication! Even a just cause must be understood! University of Iowa Libraries, Iowa Women's Archives.
-2- the choice must be YOURS! Election time is drawing near and everyone in the North is able to vote if the register, properly. Since we are in the process of fighting for ALL the rights which accompany first-class citizenship, we must take advantage of those duties which will help us ! The power of the ballot is undeniable and every vote counts ! Evaluate each candidate in terms of your needs as a citizen. Extensive preparation is being made for the Fort Madison Human Rights Rally which will be held. November 3, 1963, at 3:30 PM in the Junior High School Auditorium. Mr. John Griffin, author of "Black Like Me", will be the featured speaker. The March which will precede the Rally will take place on the 2nd of November. We are getting much enthusiastic support and participation from members of the Clergy and others who are sympathetic with our cause, that we sincerely hope all persons who are able, will join us in the March and at the Rally ! All persons who wish to take part in the march are requested to meet at Central Park which is bordered on the north and south by Avenues E and F and on the east and west by 9th and 10th Streets. The time for all participants to be at the park is 12 noon on Saturday November 2nd! Many of us have been watching closely the progress being made by the Los Angeles NAACP in their efforts to see that Negroes who are qualified are hired on TV crews. The show, 'Hazel', was the first target! Reports state that a Negro crewman HAS been hired! NAACP MEETING FORT MADISON, IOWA, BRANCH OCTOBER 21, 1963 AQUINAS HIGH SCHOOL 7:30 PM MONDAY Everyone is welcome! Each day, it becomes more evident that there is a definite lack of communication between the minority groups and the majority of the members of the white community. For this reason, our branch has established a Speakers Bureau and started machinery for informal home visits and discussions. We hope these methods will serve to effectively convey the purpose and goals of the NAACP to members of the local minority groups, as well as the white community. Communication is a basic part of any form of human interaction, therefore, lack of it stands as a barrier to understanding. People seldom react rationally to the unknown which they cannot possibly comprehend! Protests, boycotts and demonstrations have been staged any times by whites who felt their rights were being violated. Today, with sustained and varied protests by Negroes taking place throughout America, one constantly hears the cry that these methods are wrong! Three hundred years of oppression seems an adequate reason for protest. On the other hand, it also is the basis for the fear which makes many Negroes reluctant to identify with any of the civil rights groups. This is their right and we can only hope that someday they will understand those of us who feel the need to be actively involved in this fight for civil rights. However, for them, as well as for the whites who say, 'slow down' and 'be patient', it is important that we try to establish an effective means of communication! Even a just cause must be understood! University of Iowa Libraries, Iowa Women's Archives.
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