NAACP newsletters, Fort Madison Branch, Fort Madison, Iowa, 1963
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Fort Madison Branch OF THE National Association for the Advancement of Colored People NEWSLETTER, IKE SMALLS TROPHY WINNER of 1963, NOVEMBER 14, 1963 Fort Madison, Iowa 52627 I wish to commend each and every member whose participation and support helped to make our Freedom March and Human Rights Rally a tremendous success. My hand is extended, also, to those persons whose presence at both of these events, let it be known that we are not alone in our struggle for the rights of all men. I have since heard many favorable comments regarding our activities! Your fine spirit and cooperation was greatly appreciated by all who believe in the American dream of freedom and justice for all! Again, I commend you, and congratulate you on the results of a collective effort! May I call upon you again, in the future, should the need arise that we must demonstrate our desire for and intentions to obtain equal rights for all, no matter what their race, color or creed! Thank God we live in America.. the land of the free and the home of the brave,... where we can demonstrate against man's injustice to man ! Joseph Dulin President, Fort Madison Branch NAACP We, of the Fort Madison Branch of the NAACP, was well as other members of the community, regret the dismissal of Mr. A. W. James. As the first Negro member of the Fort Madison High School faculty, in fact, the first Negro teacher in this community, it was very important to all of us and the members of the administration that his stay would be a success. However, and we are assured that this is not an uncommon problem, there seemed to be a matter regarding discipline which could not be rectified. Dr. Little states that under another set of circumstances the teacher would have been moved to another school, but since this is not possible, in Fort Madison, complete removal was neccessary. We have also been assured that there is still a desire to hire a Negro as a member of the faculty in this town. and that this situation shall in no way influence their attitude. Dr. Little and Mr. Arlo Woods have stated that there are no racial overtones in this case and feel as we do that it was, indeed, unfortunate! Have you read "BLACK LIKE ME" or "FIGHT FOR FREEDOM"? There are still a few copies of each book, available for sale! Contact any member of the youth group if you wish to buy one! All over the nation, selective buying campaigns have been very successful... but only because of the cooperation of those persons whose rights have been violated and others who feel , within themselves, that an injustice has been done! In Mississippi and Alabama persistent and open protests against the violation of human rights can lead to death or destructive degradation. Here, such things are not true. Here, however, we lack the strength and the spirit of cooperation which abound in the Southern Negro ... perhaps it is because we have not known the intensity of direct and honest discrimination. In the North, we come in contact with a subtle and deceitful type thing that often gives one the chance to fool himself into thinking that all is well! This campaign. as part of the struggle for complete civil rights, requires cooperative participation in order that it might be effective! THE CHOICE IS YOURS !.... THE FIGHT IS OURS ! University of Iowa Libraries, Iowa Women's Archives
Fort Madison Branch OF THE National Association for the Advancement of Colored People NEWSLETTER, IKE SMALLS TROPHY WINNER of 1963, NOVEMBER 14, 1963 Fort Madison, Iowa 52627 I wish to commend each and every member whose participation and support helped to make our Freedom March and Human Rights Rally a tremendous success. My hand is extended, also, to those persons whose presence at both of these events, let it be known that we are not alone in our struggle for the rights of all men. I have since heard many favorable comments regarding our activities! Your fine spirit and cooperation was greatly appreciated by all who believe in the American dream of freedom and justice for all! Again, I commend you, and congratulate you on the results of a collective effort! May I call upon you again, in the future, should the need arise that we must demonstrate our desire for and intentions to obtain equal rights for all, no matter what their race, color or creed! Thank God we live in America.. the land of the free and the home of the brave,... where we can demonstrate against man's injustice to man ! Joseph Dulin President, Fort Madison Branch NAACP We, of the Fort Madison Branch of the NAACP, was well as other members of the community, regret the dismissal of Mr. A. W. James. As the first Negro member of the Fort Madison High School faculty, in fact, the first Negro teacher in this community, it was very important to all of us and the members of the administration that his stay would be a success. However, and we are assured that this is not an uncommon problem, there seemed to be a matter regarding discipline which could not be rectified. Dr. Little states that under another set of circumstances the teacher would have been moved to another school, but since this is not possible, in Fort Madison, complete removal was neccessary. We have also been assured that there is still a desire to hire a Negro as a member of the faculty in this town. and that this situation shall in no way influence their attitude. Dr. Little and Mr. Arlo Woods have stated that there are no racial overtones in this case and feel as we do that it was, indeed, unfortunate! Have you read "BLACK LIKE ME" or "FIGHT FOR FREEDOM"? There are still a few copies of each book, available for sale! Contact any member of the youth group if you wish to buy one! All over the nation, selective buying campaigns have been very successful... but only because of the cooperation of those persons whose rights have been violated and others who feel , within themselves, that an injustice has been done! In Mississippi and Alabama persistent and open protests against the violation of human rights can lead to death or destructive degradation. Here, such things are not true. Here, however, we lack the strength and the spirit of cooperation which abound in the Southern Negro ... perhaps it is because we have not known the intensity of direct and honest discrimination. In the North, we come in contact with a subtle and deceitful type thing that often gives one the chance to fool himself into thinking that all is well! This campaign. as part of the struggle for complete civil rights, requires cooperative participation in order that it might be effective! THE CHOICE IS YOURS !.... THE FIGHT IS OURS ! University of Iowa Libraries, Iowa Women's Archives
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