NAACP newsletters, Fort Madison Branch, Fort Madison, Iowa, 1966
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Fort Madison, Branch OF THE National Association for the Advancement of Colored People NEWSLETTER MARCH 6, 1966 Fort Madison, Iowa 52627 REGULAR MONTHLY MEETING........ and...... POT LUCK DINNER!!! SACRED HEART HALL SUNDAY, MARCH 20, 1966 5:30 PM MEMBERS and FRIENDS ARE INVITED!!! Everyone bring their own table service! On Sunday, April 17th, the Fort Madison, Branch, of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People will have as their guest speaker, the Executive Director of the Iowa Civil Rights Commission, James A. Thomas.This meeting will take place at the Anthes Hotel and the public is invited to attend. More information will be forthcoming, in the very near future. 'Mrs. Ida Mae Lawrence, a poor Mississippi farm woman, attacking the war on poverty program and its unkept promises to destitute Mississippi Negroes:, " You know, we ain't dumb, even if we are poor. We need jobs. We need food. We need houses. But even with the poverty program we ain't got nothing but needs..." Printed in JET, February 24, 1966 The United States Government requires that most companies doing business with it shall not discriminate against any of their employees or applicants for jobs because of race, color, creed or national origin. These companies have agreed to give equal opportunity in hiring, upgrading, demotion, transfer, recruiting, train ing, rates of pay, and layoff or discharge. The President's Committee on Equal Employment Opportunity and Government agencies that sign contracts require Govern ment contractors to carry out this policy. They have this authority under Executive Orders 10925 and 11114, which were issued by the President. If you believe that you have not been given equal treatment by a Government con tractor because of race, creed, color, or national origin, you have a right to ask the help of the President's Committee on Equal Employment Opportunity. You can do this by filing a complaint, explaining your grievance. Find out, first, if the employer is an "Equal Opportunity Employer". All complaints are given, full, fair, and impartial treatment. This process sometimes takes a little time, but be assured that your complaint will not be forgotten. Anyone wanting to know more about the Equal Employment Opportunity Committee, or wishing help in filing a complaint, should not hesitate to contact a member of the Executive Committee of the local Branch. Memberships and Fund Raising are a very vital part of any effective organizations program. Although, our efforts remain successful, it is the responsibility of all members to see that this continues. It is true, that the work in any organization is usually left to a faithful few...however,...we still need your help! Check your membership...and renew it, today,...if it has expired!!! University of Iowa Libraries, Iowa Women's Archives
Fort Madison, Branch OF THE National Association for the Advancement of Colored People NEWSLETTER MARCH 6, 1966 Fort Madison, Iowa 52627 REGULAR MONTHLY MEETING........ and...... POT LUCK DINNER!!! SACRED HEART HALL SUNDAY, MARCH 20, 1966 5:30 PM MEMBERS and FRIENDS ARE INVITED!!! Everyone bring their own table service! On Sunday, April 17th, the Fort Madison, Branch, of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People will have as their guest speaker, the Executive Director of the Iowa Civil Rights Commission, James A. Thomas.This meeting will take place at the Anthes Hotel and the public is invited to attend. More information will be forthcoming, in the very near future. 'Mrs. Ida Mae Lawrence, a poor Mississippi farm woman, attacking the war on poverty program and its unkept promises to destitute Mississippi Negroes:, " You know, we ain't dumb, even if we are poor. We need jobs. We need food. We need houses. But even with the poverty program we ain't got nothing but needs..." Printed in JET, February 24, 1966 The United States Government requires that most companies doing business with it shall not discriminate against any of their employees or applicants for jobs because of race, color, creed or national origin. These companies have agreed to give equal opportunity in hiring, upgrading, demotion, transfer, recruiting, train ing, rates of pay, and layoff or discharge. The President's Committee on Equal Employment Opportunity and Government agencies that sign contracts require Govern ment contractors to carry out this policy. They have this authority under Executive Orders 10925 and 11114, which were issued by the President. If you believe that you have not been given equal treatment by a Government con tractor because of race, creed, color, or national origin, you have a right to ask the help of the President's Committee on Equal Employment Opportunity. You can do this by filing a complaint, explaining your grievance. Find out, first, if the employer is an "Equal Opportunity Employer". All complaints are given, full, fair, and impartial treatment. This process sometimes takes a little time, but be assured that your complaint will not be forgotten. Anyone wanting to know more about the Equal Employment Opportunity Committee, or wishing help in filing a complaint, should not hesitate to contact a member of the Executive Committee of the local Branch. Memberships and Fund Raising are a very vital part of any effective organizations program. Although, our efforts remain successful, it is the responsibility of all members to see that this continues. It is true, that the work in any organization is usually left to a faithful few...however,...we still need your help! Check your membership...and renew it, today,...if it has expired!!! University of Iowa Libraries, Iowa Women's Archives
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