NAACP newsletters, Fort Madison Branch, Fort Madison, Iowa, 1966
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-3- And joy, like a pearl, Attend the needs of all mankind, Of such I dream... Our world ! - Langston Hughes Plans are underway for a Statewide NAACP Youth and College Division meeting. It will be held in Burlington, Iowa - June 18th and 19th. Detailed information will be mailed to all Youth councils and College chapters very soon. Participants in the Region IV Youth and College Division sessions of the recent Regional Conference, elected Miss Deborah Gilbreath of St. Paul Minnesota as Chairman of the Region IV Youth Conference. Miss Gilbreath is also a member of the National Board of the Association. Mrs. Dorothy King, Sr, or Denver, Colorado was selected by the youth to be their Regional Youth Adviser. Names of the other officers will be listed, later. This summer the Association is sponsoring a SUMMER PROJECT in LOUISIANA, to help Negro citizens 'open the gates of opportunity'. The main thrust of the 5 week project will be branch and council organization, school desegregation, tutorial projects, systematic checks for compliance to Title VI of the Civil Rights Act, political education and a get - out- the vote drive. 200 volunteers will be recruited to work with task force volunteers in the state of Louisiana. expenses will be taken care of by the sponsoring branch, state conference, youth council or college chapter. Each volunteer must participate in a 2 - day orientation course which will be supervised by the Secretary for Training, Orientation dates are July and August 1. The dates for the Project are July 31 through September 4.Anyone interested in volunteering, should contact Mrs. Norma Woods, local NAACP President, 72-476. "...It is not enough just to open the gates of opportunity. All of our citizens must have the ability to walk through these gates." - President Lyndon B. Johnson Howard University - June 4, 965 DID YOU KNOW...? An ex-slave, Ignacie Ramerez, was the first person in California to recieve a Christian burial. John P. Beckworth, Negro scout, trapper, trader and adventurer, who went to California in 1844, had a Pass, which he discovered in 1850, named after him.He reportedly guided many early migrant wagon trains through the much used Pass: a monument to his memory was erected at the summit of it. A city, valley, and mountain in Northern California also bear his name. taken from NEGRO Digest Negro History Issue University of Iowa Libraries, Iowa Women's Archives.
-3- And joy, like a pearl, Attend the needs of all mankind, Of such I dream... Our world ! - Langston Hughes Plans are underway for a Statewide NAACP Youth and College Division meeting. It will be held in Burlington, Iowa - June 18th and 19th. Detailed information will be mailed to all Youth councils and College chapters very soon. Participants in the Region IV Youth and College Division sessions of the recent Regional Conference, elected Miss Deborah Gilbreath of St. Paul Minnesota as Chairman of the Region IV Youth Conference. Miss Gilbreath is also a member of the National Board of the Association. Mrs. Dorothy King, Sr, or Denver, Colorado was selected by the youth to be their Regional Youth Adviser. Names of the other officers will be listed, later. This summer the Association is sponsoring a SUMMER PROJECT in LOUISIANA, to help Negro citizens 'open the gates of opportunity'. The main thrust of the 5 week project will be branch and council organization, school desegregation, tutorial projects, systematic checks for compliance to Title VI of the Civil Rights Act, political education and a get - out- the vote drive. 200 volunteers will be recruited to work with task force volunteers in the state of Louisiana. expenses will be taken care of by the sponsoring branch, state conference, youth council or college chapter. Each volunteer must participate in a 2 - day orientation course which will be supervised by the Secretary for Training, Orientation dates are July and August 1. The dates for the Project are July 31 through September 4.Anyone interested in volunteering, should contact Mrs. Norma Woods, local NAACP President, 72-476. "...It is not enough just to open the gates of opportunity. All of our citizens must have the ability to walk through these gates." - President Lyndon B. Johnson Howard University - June 4, 965 DID YOU KNOW...? An ex-slave, Ignacie Ramerez, was the first person in California to recieve a Christian burial. John P. Beckworth, Negro scout, trapper, trader and adventurer, who went to California in 1844, had a Pass, which he discovered in 1850, named after him.He reportedly guided many early migrant wagon trains through the much used Pass: a monument to his memory was erected at the summit of it. A city, valley, and mountain in Northern California also bear his name. taken from NEGRO Digest Negro History Issue University of Iowa Libraries, Iowa Women's Archives.
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