NAACP newsletters, Fort Madison Branch, Fort Madison, Iowa, 1966
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Fort Madison Branch OF THE National Association for the Advancement of Colored People NEWSLETTER, JULY 14, 1966 Fort Madison, Iowa 52627 REGULAR MEMBERSHIP MEETING ! SUNDAY- JULY 17, 1966 5:30 PM CITY HALL This will be the first membership meeting since the National Convention which was held in Los Angeles, California, July 4-9/66. Delegates will probably present their reports at this meeting. Have you written your Congressmen about the pending Civil Rights Bill? If not, so so right away encouraging them to see that the bill is passed with a strong Fair Housing Ordinance, as well as a protective clause for civil rights workers. These are very important,... and the fact that this is election year should make the letters and their content carry quite a bit of weight. Remember, people who are opposed to the legislation have let themselves be heard... so, lets make sure that the men in Washington are aware of the fact that there are many who are in favor of a strong a positive bill being passed ! These men were chosen to represent us, at the Polls,...., so lets make certain they do just that ! The annual convention of the American Medical Association was picketed, this year by over 400 doctors, nurses and other medical personnel who were requesting that all local societies which practice discrimination be expelled. Only one sign was carried, and it read.., "The Witness To End Racial Exclusion. End racial exclusion in AMA membership now..." The annual Picnic of the Fort Madison, Branch will be held Saturday, Agust 27th on the farm of Dr. Harry Harper. To make the event successful will take hard work and lots of workers. Lets make an all out effort, this year ! " Someday history may record with amazement that a man's whole life once determined by the color of his skin." - Rice University of Iowa Libraries, Iowa Women's Archives
Fort Madison Branch OF THE National Association for the Advancement of Colored People NEWSLETTER, JULY 14, 1966 Fort Madison, Iowa 52627 REGULAR MEMBERSHIP MEETING ! SUNDAY- JULY 17, 1966 5:30 PM CITY HALL This will be the first membership meeting since the National Convention which was held in Los Angeles, California, July 4-9/66. Delegates will probably present their reports at this meeting. Have you written your Congressmen about the pending Civil Rights Bill? If not, so so right away encouraging them to see that the bill is passed with a strong Fair Housing Ordinance, as well as a protective clause for civil rights workers. These are very important,... and the fact that this is election year should make the letters and their content carry quite a bit of weight. Remember, people who are opposed to the legislation have let themselves be heard... so, lets make sure that the men in Washington are aware of the fact that there are many who are in favor of a strong a positive bill being passed ! These men were chosen to represent us, at the Polls,...., so lets make certain they do just that ! The annual convention of the American Medical Association was picketed, this year by over 400 doctors, nurses and other medical personnel who were requesting that all local societies which practice discrimination be expelled. Only one sign was carried, and it read.., "The Witness To End Racial Exclusion. End racial exclusion in AMA membership now..." The annual Picnic of the Fort Madison, Branch will be held Saturday, Agust 27th on the farm of Dr. Harry Harper. To make the event successful will take hard work and lots of workers. Lets make an all out effort, this year ! " Someday history may record with amazement that a man's whole life once determined by the color of his skin." - Rice University of Iowa Libraries, Iowa Women's Archives
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