NAACP newsletters, Fort Madison Branch, Fort Madison, Iowa, 1969
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-2- protected by the National Labor Relations Act. We demand that sanitary facilities be placed in the fields to protect both the farm worker and the consumer from disease. We ask for the right to live and work with dignity. For three years thousands of us have been on strike against California grape growers. The growers have rejected all efforts to negotiate the efforts to negotiate the dispute and have imported illegal labor to break the strike. The Government does nothing or little to stop it. For this reason, with the help of our friends across the nation, we have begun a boycott of ALL CALIFORNIA GRAPES in order to gain our rights. We ask you to join us in our common cause, DON'T BUY CALIFORNIA GRAPES until the growers recognize Cesar Chavez and the Untied Farm Workers Organizing Committee. Together we will win the long and difficult struggle for human dignity and social justice." For More information contact: United Farm Workers Organizing Committee, AFL-CIO P.O. Box 130 Delano, California 93215 (From outside California, call the Boycott Department collect) The “labor union” formed to oppose Cesar Chavez’ United Farm Workers has finally been exposed for what it is, a company sponsored and financial union. The Agricultural Workers Freedom To Work Association has admitted that it was formed and financed by growers to oppose Chavez’ efforts to organize grape pickers. Such action (to form a company union) is illegal under California law. - taken from CIC Newsletter Please contact the following, if you want any material about the Table Grape Boycott: Quad-City Grape Boycott Committee Mr. John Terronez, Chairman 1216 N. Concord Davenport, Iowa 52804 Phone: 324 - 9362 DON’T BUY PRODUCTS FROM THE FOLLOWING SOUTHERN TEXTILE MILLS! ! ! These firms openly practice discrimination in employment and still they are awarded federal contracts. DAN RIVERS J.P. STEVENS CANNON BURLINGTON INDUSTRIES SUPPORT the BOYCOTT of ALL HEINZ products! ! ! Conditions for the migrant tomato pickers MUST be improved! It is up to US who are concerned with HUMAN DIGNITY and SOCIAL JUSTICE to see that the changes are made, NOW! ! ! DON'T FORGET! ! ! JULIAN BOND - Georgia State Legislator - May 3, 1969 - 7 PM University of Iowa Libraries, Iowa Women's Archives
-2- protected by the National Labor Relations Act. We demand that sanitary facilities be placed in the fields to protect both the farm worker and the consumer from disease. We ask for the right to live and work with dignity. For three years thousands of us have been on strike against California grape growers. The growers have rejected all efforts to negotiate the efforts to negotiate the dispute and have imported illegal labor to break the strike. The Government does nothing or little to stop it. For this reason, with the help of our friends across the nation, we have begun a boycott of ALL CALIFORNIA GRAPES in order to gain our rights. We ask you to join us in our common cause, DON'T BUY CALIFORNIA GRAPES until the growers recognize Cesar Chavez and the Untied Farm Workers Organizing Committee. Together we will win the long and difficult struggle for human dignity and social justice." For More information contact: United Farm Workers Organizing Committee, AFL-CIO P.O. Box 130 Delano, California 93215 (From outside California, call the Boycott Department collect) The “labor union” formed to oppose Cesar Chavez’ United Farm Workers has finally been exposed for what it is, a company sponsored and financial union. The Agricultural Workers Freedom To Work Association has admitted that it was formed and financed by growers to oppose Chavez’ efforts to organize grape pickers. Such action (to form a company union) is illegal under California law. - taken from CIC Newsletter Please contact the following, if you want any material about the Table Grape Boycott: Quad-City Grape Boycott Committee Mr. John Terronez, Chairman 1216 N. Concord Davenport, Iowa 52804 Phone: 324 - 9362 DON’T BUY PRODUCTS FROM THE FOLLOWING SOUTHERN TEXTILE MILLS! ! ! These firms openly practice discrimination in employment and still they are awarded federal contracts. DAN RIVERS J.P. STEVENS CANNON BURLINGTON INDUSTRIES SUPPORT the BOYCOTT of ALL HEINZ products! ! ! Conditions for the migrant tomato pickers MUST be improved! It is up to US who are concerned with HUMAN DIGNITY and SOCIAL JUSTICE to see that the changes are made, NOW! ! ! DON'T FORGET! ! ! JULIAN BOND - Georgia State Legislator - May 3, 1969 - 7 PM University of Iowa Libraries, Iowa Women's Archives
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