NAACP newsletters, Fort Madison Branch, Fort Madison, Iowa, 1968
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Fort Madison, Branch OF THE National Association for the Advancement of Colored People NEWSLETTER MAY 16, 1968 Fort Madison, Iowa 52627 "The means are at hand to fulfill the age-old dream: poverty can now be abolished. How long shall we ignore this underdevelpoed nation in our midst? How long shall we look the other way while our fellow human beings suffer? How long?" - Michael Harrington, The Other America 1962 NOTICE! REGULAR MEMBERSHIP MEETING SUNDAY, MAY 19, 1968 at 5:30 PM CITY HALL 8th Street at Avenue E Reports of the annual Region IV Leadership training conference which was held in Colorado Springs, Colorado, April 26th through the 28th will be given at the meeting on May 19th. There will also be a tape played of the speech which was delivered by Lerone Bennett, Jr., Ebony's Senior Editor and author of several books, at the Freedom Fund Banquet. The Colorado Springs Branch is to be commended for the hospitality it extended the visiting delegates during the Conference. ..."We have the Marshall Plan to aid Europe, but no real program to refurbish America. History will look back and say,w e saved other nations but not ourselves. There are those who contend the problem with the Negro community is a need for education. Education can't solve the race problem because it is a cause of the race problem,..." Today's educational system is "not relevant to the true conditions known to black children. The words are about another people in another world,"... ..."Black Power is the prerequisite for freedom. We need mass physical, cultural and moral strength exercised in the interest of the black community."... ..."Let us call a moratorium on stupid internal conflicts,"... ..."If we do not do something soon, the American dream will fall." -excerpts taken from the speech delivered by Lerone Bennett, Jr., at the 1968 Region IV Freedom Fund Banquet JOIN THE NAACP! University of Iowa Libraries. Iowa Women's Archives
Fort Madison, Branch OF THE National Association for the Advancement of Colored People NEWSLETTER MAY 16, 1968 Fort Madison, Iowa 52627 "The means are at hand to fulfill the age-old dream: poverty can now be abolished. How long shall we ignore this underdevelpoed nation in our midst? How long shall we look the other way while our fellow human beings suffer? How long?" - Michael Harrington, The Other America 1962 NOTICE! REGULAR MEMBERSHIP MEETING SUNDAY, MAY 19, 1968 at 5:30 PM CITY HALL 8th Street at Avenue E Reports of the annual Region IV Leadership training conference which was held in Colorado Springs, Colorado, April 26th through the 28th will be given at the meeting on May 19th. There will also be a tape played of the speech which was delivered by Lerone Bennett, Jr., Ebony's Senior Editor and author of several books, at the Freedom Fund Banquet. The Colorado Springs Branch is to be commended for the hospitality it extended the visiting delegates during the Conference. ..."We have the Marshall Plan to aid Europe, but no real program to refurbish America. History will look back and say,w e saved other nations but not ourselves. There are those who contend the problem with the Negro community is a need for education. Education can't solve the race problem because it is a cause of the race problem,..." Today's educational system is "not relevant to the true conditions known to black children. The words are about another people in another world,"... ..."Black Power is the prerequisite for freedom. We need mass physical, cultural and moral strength exercised in the interest of the black community."... ..."Let us call a moratorium on stupid internal conflicts,"... ..."If we do not do something soon, the American dream will fall." -excerpts taken from the speech delivered by Lerone Bennett, Jr., at the 1968 Region IV Freedom Fund Banquet JOIN THE NAACP! University of Iowa Libraries. Iowa Women's Archives
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