NAACP newsletters, Fort Madison Branch, Fort Madison, Iowa, 1970
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- 2 - "There are no Horatio Alger heroes in our ghettos. That great American formula - hard work + education = success and acceptance - stop at the color line..." -Earl B. Dickerson, president of Chicago's Supreme Life Insurance Company of America The 30th Anual State Conference of Iowa Branches will be held, October 30 to November 1, at the Hotel Savery in Des Moines, Iowa. Roy Wilkins, national leader of the NAACP, will be the guest speaker at the Freedom Fund Banquet which will be held on Saturday October 31st. The price of the tickets is $15.00, and they may be obtained by writing to: Iowa State Conference of Branches Conference Committee Des Moines Branch, NAACP 260 Key Building 518 Grand Avenue Des Moines, Iowa REGISTER TO VOTE...TODAY!!! USE YOUR RIGHT TO VOTE...This can be a powerful weapon in the fight for human dignity. Don't miss your chance to be HEARD!!! WORTH REPEATING --taken from the NEW CRUSADER, Chicago Black Newspaper, August 1, 1970, written by Emmett J. Marshall, Sr. writer and businessman, who died, July 29, 1970. "Every time one black youth raises his dagger and plunges it into the body of another or fires point blank into a crowded bus, or aims with deadly accuracy at police officers, every time on or all of these things happen, two families are left in anguish, bewilderment and grief. The bereaved family is left to bury the dead. The family that furnished the murderer, feverishly and with great anxiety, mortgages home and car, depletes the savings held for brother's or sister's college education or for mother's major surgery. Why all of this? To retain a lawyer for the defense. One member by his irresponsible, murderous act has given whitey complete control over his person and has given his family's fortune over to the money lenders, and to that extent, if the lenders are white, has made all blacks poorer. Black boy, does this make any sense? Are you like the rattle snake which has been goaded so much that he bites himself and commits suicide as he writhes and wriggles, believing his twists and turns to be that of another? Black boy, don't commit an act that leaves your brother dead and your mother in poverty and grief and tears, and your father stunned and dazed beyond words. There are many ways to escape the ghetto for a better life. Murder, rape and mayhem is not one of them. This is the path that leads to the small concrete jail cell, to the electric chair, to the gas chamber. At all of these stations, whitey holds sway. You will do as they command and quite often they just wait for you to rebel against the establishment's orders so they can show you who is boss. Think about this while you are filling the Molotov cocktail, not after you have buned down your own home or that of your neighbor. Think about what's going to happen after you pull the trigger and flee the murder scene. Malcom X and the Black Muslims believe their followers should abstain from the use of drugs, liquors and from carrying on their person, daggers, machetes or guns. All of the above, used in an excessive or wrongful manner, is a violation of the law. All of those who violate the law, put themselves under the absolute control of whitey. It took Malcom X some time to University of Iowa Libraries, Iowa Women's Archives
- 2 - "There are no Horatio Alger heroes in our ghettos. That great American formula - hard work + education = success and acceptance - stop at the color line..." -Earl B. Dickerson, president of Chicago's Supreme Life Insurance Company of America The 30th Anual State Conference of Iowa Branches will be held, October 30 to November 1, at the Hotel Savery in Des Moines, Iowa. Roy Wilkins, national leader of the NAACP, will be the guest speaker at the Freedom Fund Banquet which will be held on Saturday October 31st. The price of the tickets is $15.00, and they may be obtained by writing to: Iowa State Conference of Branches Conference Committee Des Moines Branch, NAACP 260 Key Building 518 Grand Avenue Des Moines, Iowa REGISTER TO VOTE...TODAY!!! USE YOUR RIGHT TO VOTE...This can be a powerful weapon in the fight for human dignity. Don't miss your chance to be HEARD!!! WORTH REPEATING --taken from the NEW CRUSADER, Chicago Black Newspaper, August 1, 1970, written by Emmett J. Marshall, Sr. writer and businessman, who died, July 29, 1970. "Every time one black youth raises his dagger and plunges it into the body of another or fires point blank into a crowded bus, or aims with deadly accuracy at police officers, every time on or all of these things happen, two families are left in anguish, bewilderment and grief. The bereaved family is left to bury the dead. The family that furnished the murderer, feverishly and with great anxiety, mortgages home and car, depletes the savings held for brother's or sister's college education or for mother's major surgery. Why all of this? To retain a lawyer for the defense. One member by his irresponsible, murderous act has given whitey complete control over his person and has given his family's fortune over to the money lenders, and to that extent, if the lenders are white, has made all blacks poorer. Black boy, does this make any sense? Are you like the rattle snake which has been goaded so much that he bites himself and commits suicide as he writhes and wriggles, believing his twists and turns to be that of another? Black boy, don't commit an act that leaves your brother dead and your mother in poverty and grief and tears, and your father stunned and dazed beyond words. There are many ways to escape the ghetto for a better life. Murder, rape and mayhem is not one of them. This is the path that leads to the small concrete jail cell, to the electric chair, to the gas chamber. At all of these stations, whitey holds sway. You will do as they command and quite often they just wait for you to rebel against the establishment's orders so they can show you who is boss. Think about this while you are filling the Molotov cocktail, not after you have buned down your own home or that of your neighbor. Think about what's going to happen after you pull the trigger and flee the murder scene. Malcom X and the Black Muslims believe their followers should abstain from the use of drugs, liquors and from carrying on their person, daggers, machetes or guns. All of the above, used in an excessive or wrongful manner, is a violation of the law. All of those who violate the law, put themselves under the absolute control of whitey. It took Malcom X some time to University of Iowa Libraries, Iowa Women's Archives
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