NAACP newsletters, Fort Madison Branch, Fort Madison, Iowa, 1967
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- 4 - I AM A KXY MXMBXR Xvxn though my typxwritxr is an old modxl, it works quitx wxll xxcxpt for onx of thx kxys. I'vx wishxd many timxs, that it would do a pxrfxct job. It is trux that thxrx arx forty-six kxys that function quitx wxll, but just onx kxy not working makxs thx diffxrxncx. Somxtimxs it sxxms that an organization is likx my typxwritxr - not all my kxy mxmbxrs arx working propxrly. You may say to yoursxlf, 'Wxll, I am only onx pxrson. I won't makx or brxak an organization.' Xvxry pxrson in an organization is an important pxrson. Xvxry organization nxxds thx activx participation of xvxry mxmbxr. So, thx nxxt time you think you arx only onx pxrson and this your xfforts arx not nxxdxd, rxmxmbxr my old typxwritxr and say to yoursxlf, 'I am a kxy mxmbxr in my organization and I do makx all thx diffxrxncx in thx world.' Members of the Wharlest Jackson family of Natchez, Mississippi were beneficiaries of a $25,000 trust fund which was deposited in the State Mutual Savings and Loan Association of that city. The fund was initiated some weeks ago by John Factor, a white Los Angeles millionaire philanthropist who contributed the first $5,000. Jackson was killed when his truck was demolished by a bomb after he had been promoted to a 'white man's job' at a Natchez, Mississippi tire and rubber plant. In Gary, Indiana, Richard Hatcher unseated the white incumbent Mayor Martin Katz by more than two thousand votes in that city's primary election. The young lawyer, won the Democratic nomination because it was the first time in the history of the city that more Negroes voted than whites, although there are more registered white voters. It was also the first time in more than a half a century that the powerful Democrat precinct organization lost one of its candidates in a city election. In Kankakee, Illinois, a 29 year old Negro corn mill warehouse worker, Vergil Watson defeated white incumbent James Odeneal to win a seat on that city's 14 member board of aldermen. Piggy Park, a chain of South Carolina drive-in restaurants has been ordered by a U. S. Court of Appeals to serve Negroes. The firm was accused by Negro motorists of discrimination by refusing them service at five of the drive ins. The chain of restaurants had contended that since 50% or more of the food served by them was consumed off the premises, they did not come under the control of the 1964 Civil Rights Act. A lower court had ruled in favor of the drive in chain, earlier, but the decision was appealed by the Negro customers. A MODERN NURSERY RHYME by Ann B. McGuiness "Where are you going, my pretty maid?" "I go a-picketing, sir," she said. "Where is your mother, my pretty maid?" "She's on the picket line, sir," she said. "Where is your brother, my pretty maid?" "He's in the hospital, sir," she said. "Where is your father, my pretty maid?" "He's in the graveyard, sir," she said. "Why do you bother, my pretty maid?" "It's for your freedom, sir," she said. University of Iowa Libraries. Iowa Women's Archives
- 4 - I AM A KXY MXMBXR Xvxn though my typxwritxr is an old modxl, it works quitx wxll xxcxpt for onx of thx kxys. I'vx wishxd many timxs, that it would do a pxrfxct job. It is trux that thxrx arx forty-six kxys that function quitx wxll, but just onx kxy not working makxs thx diffxrxncx. Somxtimxs it sxxms that an organization is likx my typxwritxr - not all my kxy mxmbxrs arx working propxrly. You may say to yoursxlf, 'Wxll, I am only onx pxrson. I won't makx or brxak an organization.' Xvxry pxrson in an organization is an important pxrson. Xvxry organization nxxds thx activx participation of xvxry mxmbxr. So, thx nxxt time you think you arx only onx pxrson and this your xfforts arx not nxxdxd, rxmxmbxr my old typxwritxr and say to yoursxlf, 'I am a kxy mxmbxr in my organization and I do makx all thx diffxrxncx in thx world.' Members of the Wharlest Jackson family of Natchez, Mississippi were beneficiaries of a $25,000 trust fund which was deposited in the State Mutual Savings and Loan Association of that city. The fund was initiated some weeks ago by John Factor, a white Los Angeles millionaire philanthropist who contributed the first $5,000. Jackson was killed when his truck was demolished by a bomb after he had been promoted to a 'white man's job' at a Natchez, Mississippi tire and rubber plant. In Gary, Indiana, Richard Hatcher unseated the white incumbent Mayor Martin Katz by more than two thousand votes in that city's primary election. The young lawyer, won the Democratic nomination because it was the first time in the history of the city that more Negroes voted than whites, although there are more registered white voters. It was also the first time in more than a half a century that the powerful Democrat precinct organization lost one of its candidates in a city election. In Kankakee, Illinois, a 29 year old Negro corn mill warehouse worker, Vergil Watson defeated white incumbent James Odeneal to win a seat on that city's 14 member board of aldermen. Piggy Park, a chain of South Carolina drive-in restaurants has been ordered by a U. S. Court of Appeals to serve Negroes. The firm was accused by Negro motorists of discrimination by refusing them service at five of the drive ins. The chain of restaurants had contended that since 50% or more of the food served by them was consumed off the premises, they did not come under the control of the 1964 Civil Rights Act. A lower court had ruled in favor of the drive in chain, earlier, but the decision was appealed by the Negro customers. A MODERN NURSERY RHYME by Ann B. McGuiness "Where are you going, my pretty maid?" "I go a-picketing, sir," she said. "Where is your mother, my pretty maid?" "She's on the picket line, sir," she said. "Where is your brother, my pretty maid?" "He's in the hospital, sir," she said. "Where is your father, my pretty maid?" "He's in the graveyard, sir," she said. "Why do you bother, my pretty maid?" "It's for your freedom, sir," she said. University of Iowa Libraries. Iowa Women's Archives
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