MFS Bulletin, v. 3, issue 6, whole no. 18, February 08, 1943
MFS Bulletin, Vol. 3, Number 6 Page 1
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MFS BULLETIN Volume Three-- Feb 8/43 - Whole Number Eighteen --Number Six Those fans who got a chuckle out of Kuttner's "Wet Magic" in a recent Unknown Worlds might be interested in three books re telling the Arthurian Saga in a humorous way, and from which Hank borrowed the character of King Pellimore. In these "Ole Pelly" plays the buffon, and has a rather rocky time of it. They are "The Sword in the stone", "The Witch in the Wood", and "The Ill-Made Knight"; all by T H White. --Dalvan Coger Hey, you fan editors: grab a new fan artist! Patrick D Delong has done several fine drawings for me and I assure you they are quite excellent. Patrick apparently wants to get active, and cam really draw well, so why not write him? Address: 129 Roswell st-Akron, Ohio. Some of his drawings will appear in Tycho, perhaps others in a special Fapazine. The new Finlay portfolio is out now, fans, and take it from the MFS, it is really a worthwhile buy. This 2d portfolio is much better than the lst; duplicated better, and the whole thing is well presented. FFM offers a subscription and a portfolio for $1.25, and we hatsn to assure you it is most assuredly a bargain. The portfolio alone sells for only 60c. Manse Brackney left for Joliet, Illinois, Thursday night, Feb 4th, to visit Walt Liebscher! Manse got his inductionn papers a week or so ago, and his being inducted to the army Feb 13th. He'll report to Fort Snelling in St Paul that date, but will get, of course, the customary week furlough. Wheter or not he'll accept this is still undecided. Anyway, he'll probably be in Joliet by the time this Bulletin reaches you. Rocket Flight seems to have gone monthly for sure. This next issue will probably feature a litho'd cover by some fan artist (but maybe editor Keith Buchanan himself---), and several departments and formats new to Rocket Flight. Apparently, too, the use of fotos in the fanzine will be continued - which I think is an excellent idea. Phil Bronson finally turned in the 2d Br-r-rack! cover, and since the rest of the magazine is already stendiled, the magazine will be mimeod as soon as Manse Brackney returne from Joliet. Remember awhile back when we announced that Morrie Dollens had gotten a job with a Hollywood Movie firm? That item stated that Morrie had definitely gotten the job, but it appears there were apparently some labor difficulties. Morrie has got the job now, and congratulations to him, gorit's an excellent position. The MFS has been doing a little recording stuff recently. At the last meeting (which was described in the last Bulletin), several records were turned out at a little recording shop downtown, and Sunday, Feb 7th, the MFS is going to make quite a few more, providing we can get the necessary blank discs. These might be sent out all around - if they re done well enough. --jlg
MFS BULLETIN Volume Three-- Feb 8/43 - Whole Number Eighteen --Number Six Those fans who got a chuckle out of Kuttner's "Wet Magic" in a recent Unknown Worlds might be interested in three books re telling the Arthurian Saga in a humorous way, and from which Hank borrowed the character of King Pellimore. In these "Ole Pelly" plays the buffon, and has a rather rocky time of it. They are "The Sword in the stone", "The Witch in the Wood", and "The Ill-Made Knight"; all by T H White. --Dalvan Coger Hey, you fan editors: grab a new fan artist! Patrick D Delong has done several fine drawings for me and I assure you they are quite excellent. Patrick apparently wants to get active, and cam really draw well, so why not write him? Address: 129 Roswell st-Akron, Ohio. Some of his drawings will appear in Tycho, perhaps others in a special Fapazine. The new Finlay portfolio is out now, fans, and take it from the MFS, it is really a worthwhile buy. This 2d portfolio is much better than the lst; duplicated better, and the whole thing is well presented. FFM offers a subscription and a portfolio for $1.25, and we hatsn to assure you it is most assuredly a bargain. The portfolio alone sells for only 60c. Manse Brackney left for Joliet, Illinois, Thursday night, Feb 4th, to visit Walt Liebscher! Manse got his inductionn papers a week or so ago, and his being inducted to the army Feb 13th. He'll report to Fort Snelling in St Paul that date, but will get, of course, the customary week furlough. Wheter or not he'll accept this is still undecided. Anyway, he'll probably be in Joliet by the time this Bulletin reaches you. Rocket Flight seems to have gone monthly for sure. This next issue will probably feature a litho'd cover by some fan artist (but maybe editor Keith Buchanan himself---), and several departments and formats new to Rocket Flight. Apparently, too, the use of fotos in the fanzine will be continued - which I think is an excellent idea. Phil Bronson finally turned in the 2d Br-r-rack! cover, and since the rest of the magazine is already stendiled, the magazine will be mimeod as soon as Manse Brackney returne from Joliet. Remember awhile back when we announced that Morrie Dollens had gotten a job with a Hollywood Movie firm? That item stated that Morrie had definitely gotten the job, but it appears there were apparently some labor difficulties. Morrie has got the job now, and congratulations to him, gorit's an excellent position. The MFS has been doing a little recording stuff recently. At the last meeting (which was described in the last Bulletin), several records were turned out at a little recording shop downtown, and Sunday, Feb 7th, the MFS is going to make quite a few more, providing we can get the necessary blank discs. These might be sent out all around - if they re done well enough. --jlg
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