Acolyte, v. 2, issue 4, whole no. 8, Fall 1944
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EDITORIALLY SPEALING --- TIME OUT FOR BRAGGING. The editors of The Acolyte have been walking on air te past few weeks as the result of a recent notice of Acky in Department of Criminal Investigation, Anthony Boucher's weekly column in the San Francisco Chronicle. Boucher said of us: "Take out a subsciption to The Acolyte. This is a mimeographed quarterly, edited by Francis T. Laney and Samuel D. Russell, which contains such invaluable items as check-lists of books by celebrated fantasy writers, annotations (somewhat in the Baker Street Irregular manner) on the mythos of H.P. Lovecraft, and sound articles surveying the works of little known fantaisistes. For a year (four issues) send 50 cents to The Acolyte, 1810 N. Harvard, Hollywood 27. You won't regret it." For a week or so thereafter we were swamped with subscriptions, and believe that we have added some very solid readers through Mr. Boucher's courtesy. Thanks a lot, Tony. --- FANTASY FORUM UPHEAVAL. The torrent of provocative and worthwhile letters from you readers has forced us to do something to keep Fantast Forum from filling the entire magazine. In the future, many of the longer letter will be revamped into independent articles, as was done with H. C. Koenig's. In addition, letter excerpts dealing largely with bibliography will be published in the new Banquets for Bookworms section, leaving Fantasy Forum free for the discussions it was originally designed for. The continuation of both these columns rests solidly upon readers, for without contribuitons from you they will quickly falter. So write us a letter today. --- BIBLIOGRAPHICAL PLANS. The Acolyte staff is contemplating further pamphlets in the series started with the Tentative Bibliography of H.P. Lovecraft. These booklets will be mimeographed in a uniform 8 1/2xll format, and will sell at from 10c to 25c each, depending on the number of pages. First to appear will be Evans-Brown-Laney checklist of pulp fantasy and scientifiction magazine. Not an index, this listing will give exact information on volume and for the collector. Probable price will be 25c. Also scheduled for early release is a complete. three-way index of Unknown--listing contents of each issue, story title list, author list. The bibliography of Clark Ashton Smith is also well along toward completion. If these three items go over with the fan public, they will be but the beginning of a large and elaborate series. For these projects, the Acolyte staff has been augmented by Willian H. Evans and Mel Brown. --- IN COMING ISSUES. Inasmuch as our plea for material last issue rearticles, we shall try it again. So.... In orde to maintain our present standards, such as they are, we are desperately in need of serious meaty articles and essays dealing with various phases of fantasy, weird and scientifiction. You need not to be a polished writes; if you have information you think your fellow fans and collectors would enjoy, why not jot it down and send it in to us? We will gladly give it whatever polishing it may need, so don't feel that you have to be a "name" writer to contribute to us. We can also use a few poems; however, at this time fiction is desired only through arrangement......... If present plans work out, the next issue will be a special one, containing much staff-written material on a topic of interest to all weird fans. However, we'll make no definite promises, except that #9 will appear on December 15, 1944. 'Til then, cheerio. -- FTL/SDR --2--
EDITORIALLY SPEALING --- TIME OUT FOR BRAGGING. The editors of The Acolyte have been walking on air te past few weeks as the result of a recent notice of Acky in Department of Criminal Investigation, Anthony Boucher's weekly column in the San Francisco Chronicle. Boucher said of us: "Take out a subsciption to The Acolyte. This is a mimeographed quarterly, edited by Francis T. Laney and Samuel D. Russell, which contains such invaluable items as check-lists of books by celebrated fantasy writers, annotations (somewhat in the Baker Street Irregular manner) on the mythos of H.P. Lovecraft, and sound articles surveying the works of little known fantaisistes. For a year (four issues) send 50 cents to The Acolyte, 1810 N. Harvard, Hollywood 27. You won't regret it." For a week or so thereafter we were swamped with subscriptions, and believe that we have added some very solid readers through Mr. Boucher's courtesy. Thanks a lot, Tony. --- FANTASY FORUM UPHEAVAL. The torrent of provocative and worthwhile letters from you readers has forced us to do something to keep Fantast Forum from filling the entire magazine. In the future, many of the longer letter will be revamped into independent articles, as was done with H. C. Koenig's. In addition, letter excerpts dealing largely with bibliography will be published in the new Banquets for Bookworms section, leaving Fantasy Forum free for the discussions it was originally designed for. The continuation of both these columns rests solidly upon readers, for without contribuitons from you they will quickly falter. So write us a letter today. --- BIBLIOGRAPHICAL PLANS. The Acolyte staff is contemplating further pamphlets in the series started with the Tentative Bibliography of H.P. Lovecraft. These booklets will be mimeographed in a uniform 8 1/2xll format, and will sell at from 10c to 25c each, depending on the number of pages. First to appear will be Evans-Brown-Laney checklist of pulp fantasy and scientifiction magazine. Not an index, this listing will give exact information on volume and for the collector. Probable price will be 25c. Also scheduled for early release is a complete. three-way index of Unknown--listing contents of each issue, story title list, author list. The bibliography of Clark Ashton Smith is also well along toward completion. If these three items go over with the fan public, they will be but the beginning of a large and elaborate series. For these projects, the Acolyte staff has been augmented by Willian H. Evans and Mel Brown. --- IN COMING ISSUES. Inasmuch as our plea for material last issue rearticles, we shall try it again. So.... In orde to maintain our present standards, such as they are, we are desperately in need of serious meaty articles and essays dealing with various phases of fantasy, weird and scientifiction. You need not to be a polished writes; if you have information you think your fellow fans and collectors would enjoy, why not jot it down and send it in to us? We will gladly give it whatever polishing it may need, so don't feel that you have to be a "name" writer to contribute to us. We can also use a few poems; however, at this time fiction is desired only through arrangement......... If present plans work out, the next issue will be a special one, containing much staff-written material on a topic of interest to all weird fans. However, we'll make no definite promises, except that #9 will appear on December 15, 1944. 'Til then, cheerio. -- FTL/SDR --2--
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