Acolyte, v. 2, issue 4, whole no. 8, Fall 1944
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BANQUETS FOR BOOKWORMS (This new department will appear as often as we have material for it--which, we hope, means that it will grace every issue of The Acolyte. This will not be a book review column, strictly speaking, but rather will devote itself to the mention of newly published books which the editors feel will be of interest to fantasy lovers. All readers are urged to give us any information which they feel may be pertinent; publishers, too, are requested to give us advance announcements of new books in the field. This emphatically will not be a review column, however, but will confine itself to announcements of newly published and/or newly discovered books dealing with fantasy in the broad sense. Any material slanted at Fantasy Forum which seems more appripriate here will be included in Banquets for Bookworms. --FTL/SDR.) ---ooOoo--- ARKHAM HOUSE OUTPUT. Highlighting the summer's crop of fantasy are the newest items in the Arkham House line. The Eye and the Finger, by Donald Wandrei; and Jumbee and Other Uncanny Tales, by Henry S. Whitehead have already appeared at $3.00 each. Scheduled for an early appearance are Marginalia, by H.P. Lovecraft; and Lost Worlds, by Clark Ashton Smith. These four volumes are must-get material for all true fantasy lovers, and those who have not already done so are urged to order all four volumes immediately. Each is $3.00 postpaid, and they may be had from Arkham House, Sauk City, Wisconsin. --FTL ---ooOoo--- VIKING PUBLISHES NEW TYPE WEIRD OMNIBUS. The ninth volume of "Th Viking Portable Library ($2.50 at your bookseller) is Six Novels of the Supernatural edited by Edward Wagenknecht. Slated for September release, Six Novels is a new departure in anthologies, a collection of six unabridged supernatural novels, each preceded by a special introduction. The contents of this 896 page volume include: The Beleaguered City, Mrs. Oliphant; The Return, Walter de la Mare; The White People, Frances Hodgson Burnett; The Terror, Arthur Machen; Sweet Rocket, Mary Johnston; Portrait of Jenny, Robert Nathan. Sounds like a buy. ---FTL/AD ---ooOoo--- BART HOUSE OUTPUT. The HPL pocketbook has now been followed up by RebirthL When Everyone Forgot, by Thomas Calvert McClary, 25¢ at most newstands. This far better than average fantasy novel originally appeared as a serial in Astounding Stories, back in 1934. This new edition has been completely redone, and is a big 25¢ worth. ---FTL ---ooOoo--- SLEEP NO MORE. What bids fair to be one of the very best of weird anthologies is in process of being published by Farrar and Rinehart. The volume is edited by August Derleth and illustrated excellently by Lee Brown Coye. The editors have before them a photostat of the jacket, a very effective picture of a man in bed surrounded with a horde of nameless terrors and entities done in a style reminiscent of Frank Utpatel. Neat. Derleth mentions in his most recent letter, "This book must sell so that the book of ghosts, of utterly strange, and perhaps of s-f can follow." If Farrar and Rinehart contemplate further anthologies in our field, it is up to us to give this venture support. The pulp fantasy is more and more cracking into the big-time publishing houses, and it looks very much as though a fantastic renaissance were in the offing. Arkham House can supply this volume at $2.60. --SDR. ---ooOoo--- TONY BOUCHER RECOMMENDS SOME SEMI-FANTASTIC DETECTIVE TALES. We quote from Mr. Boucher's letter: "Your true fantasy lover never likes ration- -- 25 --
BANQUETS FOR BOOKWORMS (This new department will appear as often as we have material for it--which, we hope, means that it will grace every issue of The Acolyte. This will not be a book review column, strictly speaking, but rather will devote itself to the mention of newly published books which the editors feel will be of interest to fantasy lovers. All readers are urged to give us any information which they feel may be pertinent; publishers, too, are requested to give us advance announcements of new books in the field. This emphatically will not be a review column, however, but will confine itself to announcements of newly published and/or newly discovered books dealing with fantasy in the broad sense. Any material slanted at Fantasy Forum which seems more appripriate here will be included in Banquets for Bookworms. --FTL/SDR.) ---ooOoo--- ARKHAM HOUSE OUTPUT. Highlighting the summer's crop of fantasy are the newest items in the Arkham House line. The Eye and the Finger, by Donald Wandrei; and Jumbee and Other Uncanny Tales, by Henry S. Whitehead have already appeared at $3.00 each. Scheduled for an early appearance are Marginalia, by H.P. Lovecraft; and Lost Worlds, by Clark Ashton Smith. These four volumes are must-get material for all true fantasy lovers, and those who have not already done so are urged to order all four volumes immediately. Each is $3.00 postpaid, and they may be had from Arkham House, Sauk City, Wisconsin. --FTL ---ooOoo--- VIKING PUBLISHES NEW TYPE WEIRD OMNIBUS. The ninth volume of "Th Viking Portable Library ($2.50 at your bookseller) is Six Novels of the Supernatural edited by Edward Wagenknecht. Slated for September release, Six Novels is a new departure in anthologies, a collection of six unabridged supernatural novels, each preceded by a special introduction. The contents of this 896 page volume include: The Beleaguered City, Mrs. Oliphant; The Return, Walter de la Mare; The White People, Frances Hodgson Burnett; The Terror, Arthur Machen; Sweet Rocket, Mary Johnston; Portrait of Jenny, Robert Nathan. Sounds like a buy. ---FTL/AD ---ooOoo--- BART HOUSE OUTPUT. The HPL pocketbook has now been followed up by RebirthL When Everyone Forgot, by Thomas Calvert McClary, 25¢ at most newstands. This far better than average fantasy novel originally appeared as a serial in Astounding Stories, back in 1934. This new edition has been completely redone, and is a big 25¢ worth. ---FTL ---ooOoo--- SLEEP NO MORE. What bids fair to be one of the very best of weird anthologies is in process of being published by Farrar and Rinehart. The volume is edited by August Derleth and illustrated excellently by Lee Brown Coye. The editors have before them a photostat of the jacket, a very effective picture of a man in bed surrounded with a horde of nameless terrors and entities done in a style reminiscent of Frank Utpatel. Neat. Derleth mentions in his most recent letter, "This book must sell so that the book of ghosts, of utterly strange, and perhaps of s-f can follow." If Farrar and Rinehart contemplate further anthologies in our field, it is up to us to give this venture support. The pulp fantasy is more and more cracking into the big-time publishing houses, and it looks very much as though a fantastic renaissance were in the offing. Arkham House can supply this volume at $2.60. --SDR. ---ooOoo--- TONY BOUCHER RECOMMENDS SOME SEMI-FANTASTIC DETECTIVE TALES. We quote from Mr. Boucher's letter: "Your true fantasy lover never likes ration- -- 25 --
Hevelin Fanzines