Venus, v. 1, issue 1, June 1944
Page 2
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-2- EDITORIAL Here, at last is Venus. It would probably have been coming out for another six months or a year, but Charles Burbee was kind enough to lend us a typewriter. he called me late one one Sunday evening, demanded explicit directions for finding my home, and after various trials and tribulations with busses, arrived slightly blown. We immediately went to work, and in two weeks, Venus was done. We have been warned that first issues never recieve much comment, and we will have to go through this three or four times before anyone wakes up and realized that there is such a mag. We are forestalling that by enclosing the postal cards and we feel that since the thing didn't cost you anything in the first place, you can at least find energy enough to drop the card in the nearest mail box, with the various items suitably checked. We are proud to have Leigh Brackett's SHADOWS IN THE WOODS and are still stunned that she upped and handed it to us so promptly, recieving only a short note from us asking for it. Without it, Venus would have died on the vine, as it were. (Now don't immediately rush out and strangle her as the sole purpet...perp...(hell, you know what I mean) of this thing. But seriously, after she had been kind enough to let us have it, we just had to publish it. We wish, also, to thank Joe Gibson for the beautiful VENUSIREN that is our back cover, and it is a VENUSIREN to end all VENUSIRENS. In other words, there will not be nood wimmen dribblling over the pages of the 2nd Venus. (Note, Joe, we did litho it. ((he said no one ever did litho his work)) and anything else you might let us have, we would do likewise.) To Bob Tucker, our thanks, and the story which we lost and have now found will be in the second issue of Venus. Also to Forest J Ackerman for his article, his Editor's note and cutting the stencils, to James Kepner for his poetry and stencils, and to Morojo, Fran Laney and All who contributed so nobly in labor to Venus, goes our sincere appreciation. We have not lived up to our own expectations, but at least we've stopped talking long enough to produce. And we have also decided that there will be more issues of Venus. We are setting our publishing date for the 2nd issue at September, 1941, in hopes that we can have it it out by the 15th of August, 1944. We would greatly appreciate material, which we will try to present neatly, and if you have something you want published that you want done in a certain way, send it to us with instruction on how you want it and if we accept it, we will endeavor to do it your way. Until we decided on the name Venus, there was a great flood of things and stuff about said planet, and it immediately turned off into the fourth dimension or something when we wanted it. So ideas and art and stories on Venus will be greatly appreciated. Our FAINT BRAYS FROM A TIED JACKASS department is for you fans to air your opinions in. There is no rule about length or subject. Please, you fans who write and draw, send us things. Continued on page 30.
-2- EDITORIAL Here, at last is Venus. It would probably have been coming out for another six months or a year, but Charles Burbee was kind enough to lend us a typewriter. he called me late one one Sunday evening, demanded explicit directions for finding my home, and after various trials and tribulations with busses, arrived slightly blown. We immediately went to work, and in two weeks, Venus was done. We have been warned that first issues never recieve much comment, and we will have to go through this three or four times before anyone wakes up and realized that there is such a mag. We are forestalling that by enclosing the postal cards and we feel that since the thing didn't cost you anything in the first place, you can at least find energy enough to drop the card in the nearest mail box, with the various items suitably checked. We are proud to have Leigh Brackett's SHADOWS IN THE WOODS and are still stunned that she upped and handed it to us so promptly, recieving only a short note from us asking for it. Without it, Venus would have died on the vine, as it were. (Now don't immediately rush out and strangle her as the sole purpet...perp...(hell, you know what I mean) of this thing. But seriously, after she had been kind enough to let us have it, we just had to publish it. We wish, also, to thank Joe Gibson for the beautiful VENUSIREN that is our back cover, and it is a VENUSIREN to end all VENUSIRENS. In other words, there will not be nood wimmen dribblling over the pages of the 2nd Venus. (Note, Joe, we did litho it. ((he said no one ever did litho his work)) and anything else you might let us have, we would do likewise.) To Bob Tucker, our thanks, and the story which we lost and have now found will be in the second issue of Venus. Also to Forest J Ackerman for his article, his Editor's note and cutting the stencils, to James Kepner for his poetry and stencils, and to Morojo, Fran Laney and All who contributed so nobly in labor to Venus, goes our sincere appreciation. We have not lived up to our own expectations, but at least we've stopped talking long enough to produce. And we have also decided that there will be more issues of Venus. We are setting our publishing date for the 2nd issue at September, 1941, in hopes that we can have it it out by the 15th of August, 1944. We would greatly appreciate material, which we will try to present neatly, and if you have something you want published that you want done in a certain way, send it to us with instruction on how you want it and if we accept it, we will endeavor to do it your way. Until we decided on the name Venus, there was a great flood of things and stuff about said planet, and it immediately turned off into the fourth dimension or something when we wanted it. So ideas and art and stories on Venus will be greatly appreciated. Our FAINT BRAYS FROM A TIED JACKASS department is for you fans to air your opinions in. There is no rule about length or subject. Please, you fans who write and draw, send us things. Continued on page 30.
Hevelin Fanzines