Venus, v. 1, issue 1, June 1944
Page 17
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-17- SHADOWS IN THE WOODS by LEIGH BRACKETT And I say unto you, Beware! For there are creatures in the new lands that you know not of; creatures whose dam was the Earth, whose sire was the storm-wind, who can never be brought beneath the yoke of man. They hate you, because you are wholly men, as they are neither beast nor man. They will fight you, because you destroy their freedom, which is to them as the worship of the Almighty is to us. Beware the snares they will set for you! For as we have a soul-force which, as beasts, they lack, they have knowledge which, as men, we lack.They are powerful, for they are born of the primal forces of the earth. Again I say, Beware ! Lest you be overthrown, and the world forever lost. from the sayings of the Prophet Cihu ALTA THE MAYA prince laughed aloud and flung his strength against the galley's bucking tiller. "Land!" he shouted, "Look ahead there, you sons! Land!" The drumbeat wavered, the rowers turned on their benches letting the weary stroke go wild. Beyond the carven snake at the prow lay a long blue shadow, stretching north and south as far as the eye could see. Land! Now land, where no human foot had trod since the Day of Creation. Atla took one hand from the tiller to grasp the shoulders of the woman beside him, a tall woman one of the northern tribe, sea-eyed and sun-haired but Atla towered a full head above her. "We've come a long way, Hedi," he said "The Mother land lies leagues of ocean and a whole continent behind us, and ahead..." he laughed, boy-like. "Ahead there is a new Empire colony, and you, Hedi, shall plant the Sun of Mu upon it!" Hedi drew his dark hawk head down to her lips. Beyond them, the drums were picking up the beat again, and the galley quivered to the sweeps. Hedi's hands came down from Atla's wide shoulders to rest beside his on the tiller, and there was a sudden shadow across her face. "What will we find there, in that now land, Atla? Not men, for the Sacred Writings teach us that no man walks, save where we of Mu have gone. But surely there must be something." Atla's answer was slow in coming. It was as though he had heard something, far off and was
-17- SHADOWS IN THE WOODS by LEIGH BRACKETT And I say unto you, Beware! For there are creatures in the new lands that you know not of; creatures whose dam was the Earth, whose sire was the storm-wind, who can never be brought beneath the yoke of man. They hate you, because you are wholly men, as they are neither beast nor man. They will fight you, because you destroy their freedom, which is to them as the worship of the Almighty is to us. Beware the snares they will set for you! For as we have a soul-force which, as beasts, they lack, they have knowledge which, as men, we lack.They are powerful, for they are born of the primal forces of the earth. Again I say, Beware ! Lest you be overthrown, and the world forever lost. from the sayings of the Prophet Cihu ALTA THE MAYA prince laughed aloud and flung his strength against the galley's bucking tiller. "Land!" he shouted, "Look ahead there, you sons! Land!" The drumbeat wavered, the rowers turned on their benches letting the weary stroke go wild. Beyond the carven snake at the prow lay a long blue shadow, stretching north and south as far as the eye could see. Land! Now land, where no human foot had trod since the Day of Creation. Atla took one hand from the tiller to grasp the shoulders of the woman beside him, a tall woman one of the northern tribe, sea-eyed and sun-haired but Atla towered a full head above her. "We've come a long way, Hedi," he said "The Mother land lies leagues of ocean and a whole continent behind us, and ahead..." he laughed, boy-like. "Ahead there is a new Empire colony, and you, Hedi, shall plant the Sun of Mu upon it!" Hedi drew his dark hawk head down to her lips. Beyond them, the drums were picking up the beat again, and the galley quivered to the sweeps. Hedi's hands came down from Atla's wide shoulders to rest beside his on the tiller, and there was a sudden shadow across her face. "What will we find there, in that now land, Atla? Not men, for the Sacred Writings teach us that no man walks, save where we of Mu have gone. But surely there must be something." Atla's answer was slow in coming. It was as though he had heard something, far off and was
-17- Sombras na Floresta Por Leigh Brackett E eu digo pra você, tome cuidado! Há por aí, criaturas nas novas terras as quais você desconhece; criaturas cuja a barragem era a Terra, cuja a criadora era a grande tempestade, que não pode nunca ser portada em beneficio do homem. Elas o odeiam, porque você é homem por completo, enquanto elas não são bestas nem homens. Elas enfrentarão você, porque você destroi sua liberdade, o que é para elas como a adoração pelo Todo Poderoso é para nós. Cuidado com as armadilhas que elas armarão para você! Assim como temos uma força interior em cada um, como bestas, elas não a possuem. Possuem no entanto, conhecimento que, nós como homens, não temos. Elas são poderosas, delas são nascidas as foças primarias da terra. Novamente eu digo, tome cuidado! Para que não seja derrotado, e o mundo perca para sempre.
Hevelin Fanzines