Venus, v. 1, issue 1, June 1944
Page 25
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In the silent grandeur of the lovely night A wreath of madness reached out to envelope me It tore aside the veil of life itself Showing me a path no mortal trod. And taking me beside it - led me through A maze of beauty. It touched my eyes and I beheld Scenes, and sights no man had seen. It showed me statues come to life, Of trees and shrubs that changed to beings. That mad filled night - willst come again? So I may once again cavort - play With Angel-Demon gods? Lynn Starr
In the silent grandeur of the lovely night A wreath of madness reached out to envelope me It tore aside the veil of life itself Showing me a path no mortal trod. And taking me beside it - led me through A maze of beauty. It touched my eyes and I beheld Scenes, and sights no man had seen. It showed me statues come to life, Of trees and shrubs that changed to beings. That mad filled night - willst come again? So I may once again cavort - play With Angel-Demon gods? Lynn Starr
Hevelin Fanzines