Venus, v. 1, issue 1, June 1944
Page 26
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-26- HOW TO PUBLISH By Lora Crozetti It all began one evening last October. I had dropped into Shangri-La to see what was cooking, and became engrossed in one of the magazines in the library. [4e?] was answering some of the stacks of letters [he?] forever has to answer and other people were doing various things and stuff. Suddenly 4e looked up from his typewriter and said "Lora, when are you going to publish a fanzine?" "Who,me?" I replied, "Don't be funny." "I was never more serious in my life," he told me. "How can you be a true fan if you don't publish a fanzine?" "Hell," was my answer "Lots of fans we never even heard of don't publish fanzines." "That's just it. No one ever heard of them. Don't you want to do something for fandom?" "Name one thing fandom ever did for me." "Well," he thought desperately, "You met me" I snorted and he fell silent for a while. I went back to my book, only to be interrupted again a few moments later. "Why don't you put out a fanzine?" he wanted to know. "Sooner of later, everyone who is big or important does." "I don't want to be important," I mumbled. "And don't make cracks about my figure." My hero was being impaled by a Martian sword-plant and I was chewing my nails, trying to help him out of his predicament. "Look at the prestige it would give you," he pointed out. "Look what Vom did for me...." " I thought you were born that way," I told him, after studying him to see what Vom had done for him. "Just what did Vom do for you that a fanzine could do for me?" "Why, you'd be famous, rich, sought after, your name on the line of fandom.." "And have them saying the same sort of things about me that they say about you?" "There would be wild acclaim in every time your name was mentioned" he went on, ignoring me. "Think of the millions of people who would love and revere the name of Crozetti."
-26- HOW TO PUBLISH By Lora Crozetti It all began one evening last October. I had dropped into Shangri-La to see what was cooking, and became engrossed in one of the magazines in the library. [4e?] was answering some of the stacks of letters [he?] forever has to answer and other people were doing various things and stuff. Suddenly 4e looked up from his typewriter and said "Lora, when are you going to publish a fanzine?" "Who,me?" I replied, "Don't be funny." "I was never more serious in my life," he told me. "How can you be a true fan if you don't publish a fanzine?" "Hell," was my answer "Lots of fans we never even heard of don't publish fanzines." "That's just it. No one ever heard of them. Don't you want to do something for fandom?" "Name one thing fandom ever did for me." "Well," he thought desperately, "You met me" I snorted and he fell silent for a while. I went back to my book, only to be interrupted again a few moments later. "Why don't you put out a fanzine?" he wanted to know. "Sooner of later, everyone who is big or important does." "I don't want to be important," I mumbled. "And don't make cracks about my figure." My hero was being impaled by a Martian sword-plant and I was chewing my nails, trying to help him out of his predicament. "Look at the prestige it would give you," he pointed out. "Look what Vom did for me...." " I thought you were born that way," I told him, after studying him to see what Vom had done for him. "Just what did Vom do for you that a fanzine could do for me?" "Why, you'd be famous, rich, sought after, your name on the line of fandom.." "And have them saying the same sort of things about me that they say about you?" "There would be wild acclaim in every time your name was mentioned" he went on, ignoring me. "Think of the millions of people who would love and revere the name of Crozetti."
Hevelin Fanzines