Venus, v. 1, issue 1, June 1944
Page 27
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-27- "He's off again." Jike gave a groan "Again?" I asked. "I can't tell the difference between again and yet." "Will you listen to reason?" 4e asked. "Stop trying to be funny and pay some attention to me. I am trying to help you." "Help her what?" Mol wanted to know. "Help her be one of the really big people in fandom." "Hmmm." Mol studied me a moment, shuddered and said. "Trying to improve on nature again? She the largest member of the LASPS now." "I was build when meat was cheap and not rationed." I quoted, before someone else could. "I think it would be a fine thing if she would put out a fanzine. After all, Finn put out one and she ought to carry on the family tradition or something." " I ought to take it out and bury it, the family, I mean." I said bitterly. "Now, now..." Jike soothed. "He only said..." "I heard him," I snarled. "Be quiet while I think up a name that fits him a dirty one. Besides, if I put out a fanzine, everyone will think I did it just because Helen did." "Nonsense" he retorted. "Look, I have this lovely article about my meeting with Fritz Lang, and have some stills from his pictures that I can make up an illustration page you can have lithoed, and also I will put the picture Lang sent me from Berlin, personally autographed to me on it, for the star attraction." "Now look yourself..." I began. "Why don't you?" Mel asked, and I know now why he chuckled so fiendishly. "But, " I began. "And I'll put an ad in Vom for it." "But," I began "And I'lll give you an ad in Fan Slants." Mel offered "But, I began" "And you can put nood wimmen in your mag like 4e does," Jike put in. "And call them Venusirens" 4e said enthusiastically.
-27- "He's off again." Jike gave a groan "Again?" I asked. "I can't tell the difference between again and yet." "Will you listen to reason?" 4e asked. "Stop trying to be funny and pay some attention to me. I am trying to help you." "Help her what?" Mol wanted to know. "Help her be one of the really big people in fandom." "Hmmm." Mol studied me a moment, shuddered and said. "Trying to improve on nature again? She the largest member of the LASPS now." "I was build when meat was cheap and not rationed." I quoted, before someone else could. "I think it would be a fine thing if she would put out a fanzine. After all, Finn put out one and she ought to carry on the family tradition or something." " I ought to take it out and bury it, the family, I mean." I said bitterly. "Now, now..." Jike soothed. "He only said..." "I heard him," I snarled. "Be quiet while I think up a name that fits him a dirty one. Besides, if I put out a fanzine, everyone will think I did it just because Helen did." "Nonsense" he retorted. "Look, I have this lovely article about my meeting with Fritz Lang, and have some stills from his pictures that I can make up an illustration page you can have lithoed, and also I will put the picture Lang sent me from Berlin, personally autographed to me on it, for the star attraction." "Now look yourself..." I began. "Why don't you?" Mel asked, and I know now why he chuckled so fiendishly. "But, " I began. "And I'll put an ad in Vom for it." "But," I began "And I'lll give you an ad in Fan Slants." Mel offered "But, I began" "And you can put nood wimmen in your mag like 4e does," Jike put in. "And call them Venusirens" 4e said enthusiastically.
Hevelin Fanzines