Venus, v. 1, issue 1, June 1944
Page 30
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-30- continued from page 9, EARTHBOUND mind to mine came the living experience of being there, of seeing, and feeling. I was sent back, to lay my knowledge before the World Council and I was given ample proof that it was true. The Council made the law that any man who attempted space-flight automatically was a criminal, for the protection of man on this earth. We are the outcaste of humanity. We are not fit to associate with the rest of the solar system. There was a deep quiet in the room, finally broken by Ken Teris' low voice. "Can you see how the rest of humanity would accept the knowledge I have given you tonight? They would want to fight, and find death. All of mankind must work together, must breed out this thing in us that makes us the rebel souls. We must earn our place in the stars. The Council felt that you were ready for this knowledge,. From now on, it is up to you, You may fight, or lead... teach man to be worthy so that tour children's children may reach the stars; or you may die. Choose. FINIS EDITORIAL Please address all comunications, material and stuff to Lora Crozetti, 1542 W. 11th Street, Los Angeles 15, California. Any criticisms will be read and promptly filed in the closest wastebasket. FANTASIE by Jean Arnold A tinkling bell A splashing wave And happy fantastic dreams Bright blue sea shell Bare unkempt grave Blue sky and the gold sun beams Crushed hearts forlorn Cries out at night Calls Love, and he will not hear Dark looming form Despairing sight Death's triumphant time is near
-30- continued from page 9, EARTHBOUND mind to mine came the living experience of being there, of seeing, and feeling. I was sent back, to lay my knowledge before the World Council and I was given ample proof that it was true. The Council made the law that any man who attempted space-flight automatically was a criminal, for the protection of man on this earth. We are the outcaste of humanity. We are not fit to associate with the rest of the solar system. There was a deep quiet in the room, finally broken by Ken Teris' low voice. "Can you see how the rest of humanity would accept the knowledge I have given you tonight? They would want to fight, and find death. All of mankind must work together, must breed out this thing in us that makes us the rebel souls. We must earn our place in the stars. The Council felt that you were ready for this knowledge,. From now on, it is up to you, You may fight, or lead... teach man to be worthy so that tour children's children may reach the stars; or you may die. Choose. FINIS EDITORIAL Please address all comunications, material and stuff to Lora Crozetti, 1542 W. 11th Street, Los Angeles 15, California. Any criticisms will be read and promptly filed in the closest wastebasket. FANTASIE by Jean Arnold A tinkling bell A splashing wave And happy fantastic dreams Bright blue sea shell Bare unkempt grave Blue sky and the gold sun beams Crushed hearts forlorn Cries out at night Calls Love, and he will not hear Dark looming form Despairing sight Death's triumphant time is near
Hevelin Fanzines