MSA Bulletin, v. 2, issue 3, April 1940
Page 2
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Page Two MSA BULETIN April 1940 The MSA BULLETIN is published supposedly, the first of each month by the Maine Scientifiction Association. Edited at 49 Washington Street, Rumford, Maine, by Jerry Meadre. Please address all mss, letters of comments, subscriptions, and advertiments to Rumford....... Advertising rates are 10c per quarter page. Half and full page ads will be done with letter huides if requested. Subscription: 5c per copy, six issues 25c, 12 issues 50c. Please send cash or 1 1/2c stamps. Free to MSA members. Contributions are cordially welcomed; aye, badly needed. Humorous articles on some phase of fandom especially desired and also exchange news with similar organizations. Back issues 5c each; #2 is not available. _____________________ FORMER SECRETARY CRUSADES IN WATERVILLE Jim Avery recently spent a hectic five hours in Waterville, leading Maine fan center. Upon arriving during the midst of Jerry Clarke's Saturday night supper, Jim comfortably deposited himself beside the new record player and ran thru several Wagner selections from Jerry's fine collection of recordings. Then, wandering downtown with Clarke, Jim was introduced to a prospective MSA member, George Wolman. Many more Waterville excursions were planned--though we can't put the reason down here in black and white! The Primus knows, tho! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - How's about dues? Let's pay up. The dues which are now due are due; so let's pay up our dues, please do. - - - - - - - - - - M S A Maybe I am sticking out my neck by taking on the Editorial dutios of our Bulletim, but here goes for a try at it. I haven't much to say this time; shall probably have plenty to say in the future, maybe too much. I intend to use this column to voice my opinions and views on the various phases of science-fiction from time to time. I shall appreciate any suggestions or criticisms; aye, I want them, need them. Let's get together and promote science fiction in Maine. Lastly, but not leastly, my since respects to Jerry "primus" Clarke of the "Watery" villiage. I hope I shall be able to live up to the mark set by the Primus. (But, the Primus edited only the first BULL, Jerry! Or weren't the other three worth marking?--your erstwhile proof-reader!) Let's hear from you fellows. Tell me how you like the new departments, have you any suggestions? I'm doing my darndest, but would like all the help you can give. I can't edit unless their is material for editing. Send in all the news and ideas you may have. Male this your Bulleting. Thanks!!! - - - - - - - PAPER STOCK When the dummy of this page was sent to the mimeographer, this section of the page was labeled "Controversy", being a discourse on using the regular white mimeo paper, or the cheaper, but better looking yellow. Since then, a friend of Jarry Meader's has donated a ream of the type of paper you now see before you. Of course we don't know how this will take the mimeo ink, bue we're told it's high-grade mimeo. Here's hoping--and apologios if needed are herewith given ..............
Page Two MSA BULETIN April 1940 The MSA BULLETIN is published supposedly, the first of each month by the Maine Scientifiction Association. Edited at 49 Washington Street, Rumford, Maine, by Jerry Meadre. Please address all mss, letters of comments, subscriptions, and advertiments to Rumford....... Advertising rates are 10c per quarter page. Half and full page ads will be done with letter huides if requested. Subscription: 5c per copy, six issues 25c, 12 issues 50c. Please send cash or 1 1/2c stamps. Free to MSA members. Contributions are cordially welcomed; aye, badly needed. Humorous articles on some phase of fandom especially desired and also exchange news with similar organizations. Back issues 5c each; #2 is not available. _____________________ FORMER SECRETARY CRUSADES IN WATERVILLE Jim Avery recently spent a hectic five hours in Waterville, leading Maine fan center. Upon arriving during the midst of Jerry Clarke's Saturday night supper, Jim comfortably deposited himself beside the new record player and ran thru several Wagner selections from Jerry's fine collection of recordings. Then, wandering downtown with Clarke, Jim was introduced to a prospective MSA member, George Wolman. Many more Waterville excursions were planned--though we can't put the reason down here in black and white! The Primus knows, tho! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - How's about dues? Let's pay up. The dues which are now due are due; so let's pay up our dues, please do. - - - - - - - - - - M S A Maybe I am sticking out my neck by taking on the Editorial dutios of our Bulletim, but here goes for a try at it. I haven't much to say this time; shall probably have plenty to say in the future, maybe too much. I intend to use this column to voice my opinions and views on the various phases of science-fiction from time to time. I shall appreciate any suggestions or criticisms; aye, I want them, need them. Let's get together and promote science fiction in Maine. Lastly, but not leastly, my since respects to Jerry "primus" Clarke of the "Watery" villiage. I hope I shall be able to live up to the mark set by the Primus. (But, the Primus edited only the first BULL, Jerry! Or weren't the other three worth marking?--your erstwhile proof-reader!) Let's hear from you fellows. Tell me how you like the new departments, have you any suggestions? I'm doing my darndest, but would like all the help you can give. I can't edit unless their is material for editing. Send in all the news and ideas you may have. Male this your Bulleting. Thanks!!! - - - - - - - PAPER STOCK When the dummy of this page was sent to the mimeographer, this section of the page was labeled "Controversy", being a discourse on using the regular white mimeo paper, or the cheaper, but better looking yellow. Since then, a friend of Jarry Meader's has donated a ream of the type of paper you now see before you. Of course we don't know how this will take the mimeo ink, bue we're told it's high-grade mimeo. Here's hoping--and apologios if needed are herewith given ..............
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