Paradox, v. 1, issue 1, Summer 1942
Page 6
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There was one catch. Their memory-tracks went along with [underline] time. When they got back to this century, they could not remember anything of the future to which they had been. In defiance to this, the chief hero wrote an entire account of his trip, and put it in his shirt pocket. He wanted to try and cheat Time, to see if he could withold the weapon and//he found himself back in the 20th century, thinking his machine was a failure...and there before him and his friend was the atomic power apparatus. They reasoned that, therefore, they had already been through time and that their memory tracks would only travel with [underline] time; not against it. They turned the a pparatus over to the government, having no recollection of their trip. Later, the chief hero found the notes in his pocket; and so they hadn't been able to cheat Time, after all. This yarn was by, I believe, Eando Binder, and appeared in TWS. ((The story was "The Time Cheaters" and appeared in the March, 1940 issue of TWS-Ed.)) ASTOUNDING, too, has advanced some time-travel theories. "The Legion of Time," published several years ago, was very good. "Time Wanted a Skeleton," in a much later issue, presented some more formidible prob-lems for a keen mind to grope with. AMAZING featured a contest yarn about a college herowho was sent forward into time by a professor, and then decided to go even further... and he did. Breaking out of the prof's con-trol, he goes on, until the very end of the world. Then he comes back, to [underline] the [underline] exact [underline] second [underline] he [underline] left [underline]. He gets in a rut. He goes forward again again, he thinks [underline], for the first time. So on, for all eternity. (("Time Wise Guy" by R.M.Farley-May,1942--Ed.)) Sudden thought: would he still be in the rut when the earth disintigrated, would he do that forever? Each fresh go-around was, to him the first one. Weird [underline] Tales [underline] once featured a very intriguing little short, by Henry Kuttner. It concerned a man preparing to travel into time via the little machine he had built. As he is sitting smoking, waiting for the zero hour, he is worried about his dog, who is feeling uncomfortable in the fierce midsummer heat. The dog paces restlessly, but refuses water. As he is sitting thusly, in there steps an exact duplicate of himself--this is getting rather hard to put across. He, the man, has travelled forward into time and then returned before [underline] he left, to confront himself..before [underline] he leaves. (for obvious purposes, we will refer to the man as Bill before he goes forward into time, and after he comes back to confront himself, he is John.) Bill asks John, "Have there been others, before you?" John replies that he has been through exactly the same experience that Bill is going through. He says that he is trying to warn him of something dreadful that is going to happen, but he cannot, be-cause... Then, Bill's dog goes mad. Rabies has been his trouble all along He leaps at John, tearing his throat out and killing him in-stantly. Bill cracks the dog over the head with a heavy table leg, and that is the end of that. Then Bill steps into the time machine, to return as John; to confront another Bill, and another restless dog, and another endless destiny... You'll have to think this over allot before the implications sink in. The chain is endless! The dog, too, is mixed up in it. Going on from there, I assumed that the next day John--Bill--would be found with his throat torn out, dead, and the dog dead beside him. But I won-der--WHAT OF THE TIME MACHINE? AND WOULD THIS LITTLE COSMIC DRAMA GO ON FOREVER? After the earth died, throughout all eternity?
There was one catch. Their memory-tracks went along with [underline] time. When they got back to this century, they could not remember anything of the future to which they had been. In defiance to this, the chief hero wrote an entire account of his trip, and put it in his shirt pocket. He wanted to try and cheat Time, to see if he could withold the weapon and//he found himself back in the 20th century, thinking his machine was a failure...and there before him and his friend was the atomic power apparatus. They reasoned that, therefore, they had already been through time and that their memory tracks would only travel with [underline] time; not against it. They turned the a pparatus over to the government, having no recollection of their trip. Later, the chief hero found the notes in his pocket; and so they hadn't been able to cheat Time, after all. This yarn was by, I believe, Eando Binder, and appeared in TWS. ((The story was "The Time Cheaters" and appeared in the March, 1940 issue of TWS-Ed.)) ASTOUNDING, too, has advanced some time-travel theories. "The Legion of Time," published several years ago, was very good. "Time Wanted a Skeleton," in a much later issue, presented some more formidible prob-lems for a keen mind to grope with. AMAZING featured a contest yarn about a college herowho was sent forward into time by a professor, and then decided to go even further... and he did. Breaking out of the prof's con-trol, he goes on, until the very end of the world. Then he comes back, to [underline] the [underline] exact [underline] second [underline] he [underline] left [underline]. He gets in a rut. He goes forward again again, he thinks [underline], for the first time. So on, for all eternity. (("Time Wise Guy" by R.M.Farley-May,1942--Ed.)) Sudden thought: would he still be in the rut when the earth disintigrated, would he do that forever? Each fresh go-around was, to him the first one. Weird [underline] Tales [underline] once featured a very intriguing little short, by Henry Kuttner. It concerned a man preparing to travel into time via the little machine he had built. As he is sitting smoking, waiting for the zero hour, he is worried about his dog, who is feeling uncomfortable in the fierce midsummer heat. The dog paces restlessly, but refuses water. As he is sitting thusly, in there steps an exact duplicate of himself--this is getting rather hard to put across. He, the man, has travelled forward into time and then returned before [underline] he left, to confront himself..before [underline] he leaves. (for obvious purposes, we will refer to the man as Bill before he goes forward into time, and after he comes back to confront himself, he is John.) Bill asks John, "Have there been others, before you?" John replies that he has been through exactly the same experience that Bill is going through. He says that he is trying to warn him of something dreadful that is going to happen, but he cannot, be-cause... Then, Bill's dog goes mad. Rabies has been his trouble all along He leaps at John, tearing his throat out and killing him in-stantly. Bill cracks the dog over the head with a heavy table leg, and that is the end of that. Then Bill steps into the time machine, to return as John; to confront another Bill, and another restless dog, and another endless destiny... You'll have to think this over allot before the implications sink in. The chain is endless! The dog, too, is mixed up in it. Going on from there, I assumed that the next day John--Bill--would be found with his throat torn out, dead, and the dog dead beside him. But I won-der--WHAT OF THE TIME MACHINE? AND WOULD THIS LITTLE COSMIC DRAMA GO ON FOREVER? After the earth died, throughout all eternity?
Hevelin Fanzines