Spaceways, v. 4, issue 2, January 1942
Page 22
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22 SPACEWAYS THE READERS ALWAYS WRITE I respect those opinions, but don't agree with them. And to finish this statement, I suggest that it is obvious that "The Cynic" is a Futurian, living in Flatbush, almost certainly. only such a one could be so fully informed on Futurian doings. " .....Widner is better than ever, this time. I don't mind it being continued; that never bothers me. One thing, though; Art and his pals should realize that, in following No. 6 Highway across the state of Nebr., they naturally came within range of only the large places, with a pop of from 9 up. The small places, of course, are along the byways and "angling roads" which wind out across the sand-hills (yes, I said HILs, and I don't mean mole-hills). There are a number of places as small, or smaller than, Red Willow. However, if Art wants to find some really small places, he should travel through Nevada, Utah, western Colorado, etc.. Look on a map of any of these states on a good Atlas; you will find scores of "towns" with pops running from 10 down to ZERO. Yep; the names are carefully listed in the Atlas, and after some of them, under the column headed "pop." you will find nothing; just plain nothing. " ..... There is one more point, too. The NFFF undoubtedly needs publicity. It has been too much an affair of a few, so far. Plans are already under way to alter this, however; maybe they will work out in time. I think they will. Louis Russell Chauvenet, Esmont, Virginia declares: Lowndes remarks in Beacon Light on the subject of the NFFF are unfair. It is not the fault of the NFFF if Studley was incompetent, nor do I think I am to blame for giving Studley fair trial...... " Cover, 4; it would be 3 at any other season except Xmas, because your green cover on my copy is one of the two appropriate colors. Control Room, 7, if only for that paragraph including the remarks on lion & tiger. Might I mention that that was no whale you illustrated, either? I am all in favor of the illustrations, and vote madly for them; will try to vote twice, if you'll let me do so. Reall you should give me five votes because there are five animals drawn to illustrate my instalment of "If I Werewolf". Reason for approval: it breaks up the monotony of the pages. Better keep off human figures, however, if you can't trace 'em any better than those on page 4, which repugn. " Log of FooFoo Special=9. I read this in MS., but on rereading in Spaceways I found it still good. I like this narrative style. When Art forms one-fouth of the crew of my boat for the round-the-world - to-see-the-ruins cruise, after the war, his tale should find a publisher with ease, the financing a second trip, the story of which will finance the third voyage the story of which, etc. etc. " .....As to Larry Shaw's query about Alan Quartermain, when I said he was a tough bozo, I was thinking more of physical toughness than anything else. A guy who can take his rifle, stroll into the woods in search of some elephants he's been trailing, at night, with the moon giving the only light and then shoot three elephants in a row by that uncertain light may be an "heroic hero" but I'll still call him a tough bozo. The natives didn't call him Watcher-by-night (Macumazahn) for nothing. e hearned the distinction fair & square. Unbelievable as the things that happened to him are, I like him well enough, Larry should not take the term 'tough bozo" as one of opprobrium; it was not so meant. " Oh yes! I meant to add, for Paul Spencer: So you really think it easy to buy a copy of the July 1929 Amazing for 10c? Ever try it? If you do know a place selling 1929 Amazings at 10c each, lead me to it, won't you? Pretty please!! Gerry de la Ree, Jr., 9 Bogert Place, Westwood, N. J., retorts: I thought I'd rip you off a letter on the comments of your S F Cynic on Sun Spots being printed He sounds like Art Widner, but then Widner isn't quite so quiet in his statements. " Anyhow, the situation is as follows: Cynic says printed fanzines should be discouraged except when the editor is in the money and stands a considerable loss each issue--in other words all but gives it away. Now where did the misinformed Cynic get the idea that Sun Spots was doing anything but that? We have a circulation of 300 copies per issue. We give 200 away--outright. If fans subscribe--swell; we need the money. If they don't--we can still go along. " We are far from being millionaires, but as far as I go,
22 SPACEWAYS THE READERS ALWAYS WRITE I respect those opinions, but don't agree with them. And to finish this statement, I suggest that it is obvious that "The Cynic" is a Futurian, living in Flatbush, almost certainly. only such a one could be so fully informed on Futurian doings. " .....Widner is better than ever, this time. I don't mind it being continued; that never bothers me. One thing, though; Art and his pals should realize that, in following No. 6 Highway across the state of Nebr., they naturally came within range of only the large places, with a pop of from 9 up. The small places, of course, are along the byways and "angling roads" which wind out across the sand-hills (yes, I said HILs, and I don't mean mole-hills). There are a number of places as small, or smaller than, Red Willow. However, if Art wants to find some really small places, he should travel through Nevada, Utah, western Colorado, etc.. Look on a map of any of these states on a good Atlas; you will find scores of "towns" with pops running from 10 down to ZERO. Yep; the names are carefully listed in the Atlas, and after some of them, under the column headed "pop." you will find nothing; just plain nothing. " ..... There is one more point, too. The NFFF undoubtedly needs publicity. It has been too much an affair of a few, so far. Plans are already under way to alter this, however; maybe they will work out in time. I think they will. Louis Russell Chauvenet, Esmont, Virginia declares: Lowndes remarks in Beacon Light on the subject of the NFFF are unfair. It is not the fault of the NFFF if Studley was incompetent, nor do I think I am to blame for giving Studley fair trial...... " Cover, 4; it would be 3 at any other season except Xmas, because your green cover on my copy is one of the two appropriate colors. Control Room, 7, if only for that paragraph including the remarks on lion & tiger. Might I mention that that was no whale you illustrated, either? I am all in favor of the illustrations, and vote madly for them; will try to vote twice, if you'll let me do so. Reall you should give me five votes because there are five animals drawn to illustrate my instalment of "If I Werewolf". Reason for approval: it breaks up the monotony of the pages. Better keep off human figures, however, if you can't trace 'em any better than those on page 4, which repugn. " Log of FooFoo Special=9. I read this in MS., but on rereading in Spaceways I found it still good. I like this narrative style. When Art forms one-fouth of the crew of my boat for the round-the-world - to-see-the-ruins cruise, after the war, his tale should find a publisher with ease, the financing a second trip, the story of which will finance the third voyage the story of which, etc. etc. " .....As to Larry Shaw's query about Alan Quartermain, when I said he was a tough bozo, I was thinking more of physical toughness than anything else. A guy who can take his rifle, stroll into the woods in search of some elephants he's been trailing, at night, with the moon giving the only light and then shoot three elephants in a row by that uncertain light may be an "heroic hero" but I'll still call him a tough bozo. The natives didn't call him Watcher-by-night (Macumazahn) for nothing. e hearned the distinction fair & square. Unbelievable as the things that happened to him are, I like him well enough, Larry should not take the term 'tough bozo" as one of opprobrium; it was not so meant. " Oh yes! I meant to add, for Paul Spencer: So you really think it easy to buy a copy of the July 1929 Amazing for 10c? Ever try it? If you do know a place selling 1929 Amazings at 10c each, lead me to it, won't you? Pretty please!! Gerry de la Ree, Jr., 9 Bogert Place, Westwood, N. J., retorts: I thought I'd rip you off a letter on the comments of your S F Cynic on Sun Spots being printed He sounds like Art Widner, but then Widner isn't quite so quiet in his statements. " Anyhow, the situation is as follows: Cynic says printed fanzines should be discouraged except when the editor is in the money and stands a considerable loss each issue--in other words all but gives it away. Now where did the misinformed Cynic get the idea that Sun Spots was doing anything but that? We have a circulation of 300 copies per issue. We give 200 away--outright. If fans subscribe--swell; we need the money. If they don't--we can still go along. " We are far from being millionaires, but as far as I go,
Hevelin Fanzines