Fantascience Digest, v. 2, issue 5, July-September, 1939
Page 22
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FANTASCIENCE DIGEST Page 22 Give the title of the story and the issue of the magazine in which it appeared. 7) Two of the following are pseudonyms. Name the two. (a) David H. Keller (b) Phillip Jacques Bartel (c) Ray Cummings (d) Alexander M. Phillips (e) H. W. Guernsey. 8) Name the story that copped the cover of the first SCIENCE WONDER and also state the who the author was. This story was a sequel to a story originally published in ARGOSY. Name the latter story, too. 9) Who edited THE THRILL BOOK, the first magazine to make fantasy a specialty? 10) Give the title of the story illustrated on the cover of the first Street & Smith ASTOUNDING; October, 1933. Watch this one! That'll be all just now. See you next issue! """"""""""""""""""""""""""" WHY GHOULS LEAVE HOME By RAY BRADBURY """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" A few years ago, after getting in from an all night clambake, brother Robert Bloch scrunched down before his tripe-writer and pumped out an article on witches, ghosts, ghouls, etc. I now feel that the real truth should come out. Altogether too much has been written on the subject that is untrue. Kuttner, CASmith, and all the rest are guilty of this heinous offense. When I told Hank Kuttner I was writing this story he sent over Oliver, his pet ghoul who sat atop my library table for three nights murmuring, looking at me with his large blue eyes, his mouth scarletly agape, fondling the corpse laid so tenderly in his arms. Such a gentle little creature he was that I grew sorry and threw a him a leg or two I had lying about the house. But he just kept murmuring and looking at me and licking his chops. (I guess I'd better start dieting. He's not the only one that's done that lately.) Of course, not all ghouls are like Oliver. Now take Moses, my own ghoul. He has a taste for little babies. He has some rather awful habits that I have tried in vain to cure, such as dangling in clothes closets and scaring guests who come to visit me. He also has a nasty habit of clambering into bed with every young thing that takes the guest room. (Ghouls are quite human, you see.) He's about ten feet tall and I keep him around mostly to kill moths in the alcoves or to quiet little brats who wander into the house with their mothers. Sometimes I even throw him a mother or two. (Gad! but I'm mean!) Moses' last name is one that a movie star stole from him. His real name is Moses Gable. He has large, pendulous head appendages and remarkable hearing. He can hear the lowest library whisper that was ever hissed between "ANTHONY ADVERSE" and "BURN, WITCH, BURN!" Moses usually sings an archaic rhyme while he tends to his vittles -- it goes like this: "I CAN HAVE ARCHAIC AND EAT IT TOO!" When he finishes his meal, he picks his upper plate with a coffin nail. And an accomplished musician he is too! Last year he won first prize for his bass-fiddle concerto on a pair of suspenders. He has a
FANTASCIENCE DIGEST Page 22 Give the title of the story and the issue of the magazine in which it appeared. 7) Two of the following are pseudonyms. Name the two. (a) David H. Keller (b) Phillip Jacques Bartel (c) Ray Cummings (d) Alexander M. Phillips (e) H. W. Guernsey. 8) Name the story that copped the cover of the first SCIENCE WONDER and also state the who the author was. This story was a sequel to a story originally published in ARGOSY. Name the latter story, too. 9) Who edited THE THRILL BOOK, the first magazine to make fantasy a specialty? 10) Give the title of the story illustrated on the cover of the first Street & Smith ASTOUNDING; October, 1933. Watch this one! That'll be all just now. See you next issue! """"""""""""""""""""""""""" WHY GHOULS LEAVE HOME By RAY BRADBURY """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" A few years ago, after getting in from an all night clambake, brother Robert Bloch scrunched down before his tripe-writer and pumped out an article on witches, ghosts, ghouls, etc. I now feel that the real truth should come out. Altogether too much has been written on the subject that is untrue. Kuttner, CASmith, and all the rest are guilty of this heinous offense. When I told Hank Kuttner I was writing this story he sent over Oliver, his pet ghoul who sat atop my library table for three nights murmuring, looking at me with his large blue eyes, his mouth scarletly agape, fondling the corpse laid so tenderly in his arms. Such a gentle little creature he was that I grew sorry and threw a him a leg or two I had lying about the house. But he just kept murmuring and looking at me and licking his chops. (I guess I'd better start dieting. He's not the only one that's done that lately.) Of course, not all ghouls are like Oliver. Now take Moses, my own ghoul. He has a taste for little babies. He has some rather awful habits that I have tried in vain to cure, such as dangling in clothes closets and scaring guests who come to visit me. He also has a nasty habit of clambering into bed with every young thing that takes the guest room. (Ghouls are quite human, you see.) He's about ten feet tall and I keep him around mostly to kill moths in the alcoves or to quiet little brats who wander into the house with their mothers. Sometimes I even throw him a mother or two. (Gad! but I'm mean!) Moses' last name is one that a movie star stole from him. His real name is Moses Gable. He has large, pendulous head appendages and remarkable hearing. He can hear the lowest library whisper that was ever hissed between "ANTHONY ADVERSE" and "BURN, WITCH, BURN!" Moses usually sings an archaic rhyme while he tends to his vittles -- it goes like this: "I CAN HAVE ARCHAIC AND EAT IT TOO!" When he finishes his meal, he picks his upper plate with a coffin nail. And an accomplished musician he is too! Last year he won first prize for his bass-fiddle concerto on a pair of suspenders. He has a
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