Le Zombie, v. 5, issue 4, whole no. 51, January 1943
Page b 10
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b10 LeZ: We are not running an information bureau, but seldom pass up such an opportunity to give advice. Which is as follows: In the first place, be extrovert enough not to give a damn about what fans think of you. They don't provide your welfare, nor are you responsible to them in any way except thru the common courtesies extended one another via mail. Far more disliked fans than you have continued to appear in fanzines and at conventions despite public opinion, and I assure you, what some fans may think of you now is nothing to what almost all fans thought of "them" then' And they are still living merrily. LeZ never intentionally insults anyone in its pages, and if contributors are caught doing it, the offending material is edited out. LeZ does print criticism, humorous or otherwise, that sometimes stings---but only because it is truth. LeZ always goes in for pseudo-insults .. our pages abound with them. But our readers recognize them as such, and, if they were sufficiently clever, laugh at them. Not even the victim takes offense because he joins in the laugh. There is, for instance, your remark that Robinson is an intellectual. That is a laugh. If Robinson dosn't stop cutting his hair crew fashion, he'll be a bald-headed moron in five years! Now, when Robinson reads this, he'll be so delighted to see his name in print he'll send us 50[[cent symbol]] or $1 for an extension of his subscription, and everyone will be happy. That's the way LeZ ticks, see chum? However, if you but ask it, your name will never again be mentioned in any way. -BT LIEBSCHER BITES MAN: "Re, the Schmarje letter to you and the one to me: In the first place Harry (not Harris), I don't hate you as you seem to think, but on the other hand I don't count you as a friend, as I do most fans. I am one of those people who come straight to the point and don't believe in being two-faced, therefore truthfully, I say at the time of this writing that I don't like you. Maybe my opinion of you will change, and I sincerly hope it does because I've never met a fan before that I've disliked. Now for some reasons: Those assinine stickers you used on your letters; Harris M. Schmarje, Author, Critique, Columnist. You are not an author; might be you'll be one in say ten years, but definitely you are not an author now. You are not a critique, more of an antique I would say. Why, well anyone who thought that the review of "Fantasia" in Starlit Fantasy (I think that was what Nutt called the mag at the time) was good, could never be a critique. Remember I asked you about this at the Michiconference. Frankly I thought that article (intended to be serious) was the best humor in any issue of any fanmag. Columnist? I've seen nothing by you in any of the mags which qualifies you to call yourself a columnist. Nuff of that. Next, the Midwest Fan Society. It seems you boys were all up in the air because the Midwest Fantasy Fan Federation had stolen the name of your club. Frankly, when, at the first Michiconference, we named the M-WFFF, most of us had never heard of the Midwest Fan Society and I doubt if some of the attendees have heard of it yet.
b10 LeZ: We are not running an information bureau, but seldom pass up such an opportunity to give advice. Which is as follows: In the first place, be extrovert enough not to give a damn about what fans think of you. They don't provide your welfare, nor are you responsible to them in any way except thru the common courtesies extended one another via mail. Far more disliked fans than you have continued to appear in fanzines and at conventions despite public opinion, and I assure you, what some fans may think of you now is nothing to what almost all fans thought of "them" then' And they are still living merrily. LeZ never intentionally insults anyone in its pages, and if contributors are caught doing it, the offending material is edited out. LeZ does print criticism, humorous or otherwise, that sometimes stings---but only because it is truth. LeZ always goes in for pseudo-insults .. our pages abound with them. But our readers recognize them as such, and, if they were sufficiently clever, laugh at them. Not even the victim takes offense because he joins in the laugh. There is, for instance, your remark that Robinson is an intellectual. That is a laugh. If Robinson dosn't stop cutting his hair crew fashion, he'll be a bald-headed moron in five years! Now, when Robinson reads this, he'll be so delighted to see his name in print he'll send us 50[[cent symbol]] or $1 for an extension of his subscription, and everyone will be happy. That's the way LeZ ticks, see chum? However, if you but ask it, your name will never again be mentioned in any way. -BT LIEBSCHER BITES MAN: "Re, the Schmarje letter to you and the one to me: In the first place Harry (not Harris), I don't hate you as you seem to think, but on the other hand I don't count you as a friend, as I do most fans. I am one of those people who come straight to the point and don't believe in being two-faced, therefore truthfully, I say at the time of this writing that I don't like you. Maybe my opinion of you will change, and I sincerly hope it does because I've never met a fan before that I've disliked. Now for some reasons: Those assinine stickers you used on your letters; Harris M. Schmarje, Author, Critique, Columnist. You are not an author; might be you'll be one in say ten years, but definitely you are not an author now. You are not a critique, more of an antique I would say. Why, well anyone who thought that the review of "Fantasia" in Starlit Fantasy (I think that was what Nutt called the mag at the time) was good, could never be a critique. Remember I asked you about this at the Michiconference. Frankly I thought that article (intended to be serious) was the best humor in any issue of any fanmag. Columnist? I've seen nothing by you in any of the mags which qualifies you to call yourself a columnist. Nuff of that. Next, the Midwest Fan Society. It seems you boys were all up in the air because the Midwest Fantasy Fan Federation had stolen the name of your club. Frankly, when, at the first Michiconference, we named the M-WFFF, most of us had never heard of the Midwest Fan Society and I doubt if some of the attendees have heard of it yet.
Hevelin Fanzines