Le Zombie, v. 5, issue 4, whole no. 51, January 1943
Page b 13
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b13 SHORT FRANKIE (CREW HAIRCUT) ROBINSON WITH A SHORT PARAGRAF: " Fan doings in Chicago are looking. Bob Camden was in town for the Xmas holidays and I managed to see him. Bob, Neil, Ecco, Walt and I went bowling and I came out 2nd man with the magnificent score of 123! (from 56 to 123! From rags to riches) Parsec will probably be out within a very short while. Lack of a typer held us up considerably. (( A masterpiece of understatement, we think! -BT)) Ecco wants to turn out his FAPA mag on the mimeograph we have and I wonder how the thing will turn out?" Lez sez: Frankie also related how he had purchased a typewriter and had to lug it home himself, from 4500 North to 6600 South. Superman Robinson we calls him. If interested in the fanzine ParSec, address is 6636 S. Sacremento, Chicago. SURPRISE! HERE'S THI OLD ANTI-ANTI BOY HIMSELF: "LeZ came like a cooling breez to a fevered brow. The first new fm I've seen since summer! Thanx. Say, you could have at least published a list of fms still operating. I'd like to subscribe to a couple, starting with LeZ (( Goody!)) Need stuff? Or has the paper shortage kept up with the author shortage? I managed to sneak down to the editorial offices now and then. I may be able to dig up something fair to middlin'." -Ray Van Houten LeZ sez: If its something exciting like Johnny Michel getting a job, or Wollheim blowing his brains out, rush it right along ... but if its fan news of timely nature, try a news sheet. You can find list of all 1942 fanzines in attached Yarbk. -BT NEWS GIVEN AND INFORMATION ASKED HEREIN: "Heard any news from Golden Gate Futurians? Well, that hardy perennial Joe Frontier is a book reviewer for the paper with the largest circulation in Northern Calif., the Oakland Tribune. I left him very dejected, he got his induction papers the other day. You'll probably loose him to the army too. We've got a guy out here, got a couple of college degrees after his name , Jimmy Cripps. He and a couple of other fellows got some cash together and experimenting with rocketry. Joe and some other guys are giving him a hand. (( Wont they need them? -BT )) He's got a working model set up in his basement. Do you know Clark Ashton Smith's address? Understand he lives near here somewhere." Pvt. Jack Riggs Lez sez: If some kind gent knowing Smith's address will send it to us, we shall be glad to pass it along to Riggs. -BT TWO PARAGRAFS FROM A FEUDING BRITISHER: "Every oncet in a while I manage to get around to the old home address, and always there is some cheering bilge from your illustrious Chinese ancestor, Hoy. Yesterday brought the September issue of your scandal sheet, bud. Bit late, eh? However, it raised a smile or two on my sunburned dial, and I guess that's one of your main objectives in life.
b13 SHORT FRANKIE (CREW HAIRCUT) ROBINSON WITH A SHORT PARAGRAF: " Fan doings in Chicago are looking. Bob Camden was in town for the Xmas holidays and I managed to see him. Bob, Neil, Ecco, Walt and I went bowling and I came out 2nd man with the magnificent score of 123! (from 56 to 123! From rags to riches) Parsec will probably be out within a very short while. Lack of a typer held us up considerably. (( A masterpiece of understatement, we think! -BT)) Ecco wants to turn out his FAPA mag on the mimeograph we have and I wonder how the thing will turn out?" Lez sez: Frankie also related how he had purchased a typewriter and had to lug it home himself, from 4500 North to 6600 South. Superman Robinson we calls him. If interested in the fanzine ParSec, address is 6636 S. Sacremento, Chicago. SURPRISE! HERE'S THI OLD ANTI-ANTI BOY HIMSELF: "LeZ came like a cooling breez to a fevered brow. The first new fm I've seen since summer! Thanx. Say, you could have at least published a list of fms still operating. I'd like to subscribe to a couple, starting with LeZ (( Goody!)) Need stuff? Or has the paper shortage kept up with the author shortage? I managed to sneak down to the editorial offices now and then. I may be able to dig up something fair to middlin'." -Ray Van Houten LeZ sez: If its something exciting like Johnny Michel getting a job, or Wollheim blowing his brains out, rush it right along ... but if its fan news of timely nature, try a news sheet. You can find list of all 1942 fanzines in attached Yarbk. -BT NEWS GIVEN AND INFORMATION ASKED HEREIN: "Heard any news from Golden Gate Futurians? Well, that hardy perennial Joe Frontier is a book reviewer for the paper with the largest circulation in Northern Calif., the Oakland Tribune. I left him very dejected, he got his induction papers the other day. You'll probably loose him to the army too. We've got a guy out here, got a couple of college degrees after his name , Jimmy Cripps. He and a couple of other fellows got some cash together and experimenting with rocketry. Joe and some other guys are giving him a hand. (( Wont they need them? -BT )) He's got a working model set up in his basement. Do you know Clark Ashton Smith's address? Understand he lives near here somewhere." Pvt. Jack Riggs Lez sez: If some kind gent knowing Smith's address will send it to us, we shall be glad to pass it along to Riggs. -BT TWO PARAGRAFS FROM A FEUDING BRITISHER: "Every oncet in a while I manage to get around to the old home address, and always there is some cheering bilge from your illustrious Chinese ancestor, Hoy. Yesterday brought the September issue of your scandal sheet, bud. Bit late, eh? However, it raised a smile or two on my sunburned dial, and I guess that's one of your main objectives in life.
Hevelin Fanzines