""Leno and Maria: A Success Story"" by Vincent P. Cano - 1985
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cannot sit here in the house and wait for me to go out and gather food to bring home to you. I cannot be like the condor who flies off and brings food back to her nest where the young mouths are ready to gobble up the catch. You have to go out and earn your meals. Whatever opportunities our Lord puts before you, accept them with gratitude," In addition, Savayos could not afford to let those duties previously performed by Prudeciano to go unattended. Whatever duties performed before his conscription was required to remain unchanged and so the Cano children took turns filling the shoes of their father. There were no days off for when not doing chores around the home, they could be found combing the countryside for extra work. Today, Leno took his turn combing the nearby farms. "Senora, do you need any help today?" asked Leno from the doorway of a small farm house. "You remember me, do you not? I am Leno from the rancho Tinaja. I hoed your garden for you last week. Perhaps you have other things that I can do for you?" A young woman leaning on a cane smiled down at Leno from her doorway. "Yes of course, I remember. you are one of the Cano children. How is your mother, Rita? Probrecita, poor one, the leva has taken her man as they did my Chato. At least she has the men in the house, like you, to care for her and to do the chores. Me... I am alone. Yesterday , I fell and twisted my ankle and barely can I move about without this cane. I did not know how I would ever get things done today. Believing our Lord had forsaken me, look who he sends to my door. But, Leno... I only have the means to feed you. Agreed? Like all survivors of Mexico during this era, the Marias, Otilios, Juans and Lenos did their best to make do with what was available to them. For every prominent death such as Francisco Madera, Emiliano Zapata, or Venustiano Carranza, many nameless Mexicans died. Although no accurate figures were recorded, it is estimated that between 1.5 and 2 million lost their lives in those ten years. In 1920, the census takers counted almost a million fewer than they had found only a decade before. Generally, the struggles in post 1920 were less chaotic and a gradual stabilisation of the political order would begin to change the contours of society. The goals of a better life began to be realized, but another ten years would pass before the reforms would realize themselves in a productive manner. At the end of four years of military service, Prudenciano was allowed to return to the rancho Tenaha. Because his family was able to hold on to his position on the rancho, Prudenciano decided to stay there until he could get himself on his feet. In so doing, his sons continued to hire themselves out to other landowners as general handymen. There was no need and therefore, little encouragement for schooling. For them to expect a certain time set aside in their lives in order to concentrate on education so they could enter adulthood with better preparation was a luxury they did not have, Such advantages do not always guarantee a better understanding of oneself or does it guarantee success in life. For example, we may have a person with a P.H.D. in human behavior and another with little or no education. Yet, the educated person can be the opposite of what his degrees support. Whereas, the holder of no degree to 19.
cannot sit here in the house and wait for me to go out and gather food to bring home to you. I cannot be like the condor who flies off and brings food back to her nest where the young mouths are ready to gobble up the catch. You have to go out and earn your meals. Whatever opportunities our Lord puts before you, accept them with gratitude," In addition, Savayos could not afford to let those duties previously performed by Prudeciano to go unattended. Whatever duties performed before his conscription was required to remain unchanged and so the Cano children took turns filling the shoes of their father. There were no days off for when not doing chores around the home, they could be found combing the countryside for extra work. Today, Leno took his turn combing the nearby farms. "Senora, do you need any help today?" asked Leno from the doorway of a small farm house. "You remember me, do you not? I am Leno from the rancho Tinaja. I hoed your garden for you last week. Perhaps you have other things that I can do for you?" A young woman leaning on a cane smiled down at Leno from her doorway. "Yes of course, I remember. you are one of the Cano children. How is your mother, Rita? Probrecita, poor one, the leva has taken her man as they did my Chato. At least she has the men in the house, like you, to care for her and to do the chores. Me... I am alone. Yesterday , I fell and twisted my ankle and barely can I move about without this cane. I did not know how I would ever get things done today. Believing our Lord had forsaken me, look who he sends to my door. But, Leno... I only have the means to feed you. Agreed? Like all survivors of Mexico during this era, the Marias, Otilios, Juans and Lenos did their best to make do with what was available to them. For every prominent death such as Francisco Madera, Emiliano Zapata, or Venustiano Carranza, many nameless Mexicans died. Although no accurate figures were recorded, it is estimated that between 1.5 and 2 million lost their lives in those ten years. In 1920, the census takers counted almost a million fewer than they had found only a decade before. Generally, the struggles in post 1920 were less chaotic and a gradual stabilisation of the political order would begin to change the contours of society. The goals of a better life began to be realized, but another ten years would pass before the reforms would realize themselves in a productive manner. At the end of four years of military service, Prudenciano was allowed to return to the rancho Tenaha. Because his family was able to hold on to his position on the rancho, Prudenciano decided to stay there until he could get himself on his feet. In so doing, his sons continued to hire themselves out to other landowners as general handymen. There was no need and therefore, little encouragement for schooling. For them to expect a certain time set aside in their lives in order to concentrate on education so they could enter adulthood with better preparation was a luxury they did not have, Such advantages do not always guarantee a better understanding of oneself or does it guarantee success in life. For example, we may have a person with a P.H.D. in human behavior and another with little or no education. Yet, the educated person can be the opposite of what his degrees support. Whereas, the holder of no degree to 19.
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