Conger Reynolds correspondence, May 1918
1918-05-04 Conger Reynolds to Daphe Reynolds Page 9
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I want the war to end and I want to go home because I am losing the best experience I could have when I am sacrificing association with my fascinating wife. I could be downright grumpy and growly about the government regulations that keep you from coming over to be with me if it would do any good. But orders is orders, - and much as I should like to have you, sane reason tells me that they are exceedingly wise under present conditions. If the dangers grow less and the restrictions are ever relaxed you may be sure I'll do all in my power to get you here. I cannot imagine any adventure I should rather have than life with you in France. When the war ends it is not unlikely that many of our officers and men may
I want the war to end and I want to go home because I am losing the best experience I could have when I am sacrificing association with my fascinating wife. I could be downright grumpy and growly about the government regulations that keep you from coming over to be with me if it would do any good. But orders is orders, - and much as I should like to have you, sane reason tells me that they are exceedingly wise under present conditions. If the dangers grow less and the restrictions are ever relaxed you may be sure I'll do all in my power to get you here. I cannot imagine any adventure I should rather have than life with you in France. When the war ends it is not unlikely that many of our officers and men may
World War I Diaries and Letters