Conger Reynolds correspondence, May 1918
1918-05-06 Daphne Reynolds to Conger Reynolds Page 6
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yesterday it was rather pathetic. I shall wash my head today, with your kind permission and get some of the Kansas and Missouri soil out of it. I know I'll feel like a new man, and as Mr. Chiltan said, have a new leaf on lice. I hear some youngster outside howling because she's lost eight or nine dollars, so I'd better step out and comfort her. Please don't dis-like me for these letters. I haven't any sense left, I'm so tired, but I love you heaps, even if I haven't, and I'm your most obedient wif - Daphne.
yesterday it was rather pathetic. I shall wash my head today, with your kind permission and get some of the Kansas and Missouri soil out of it. I know I'll feel like a new man, and as Mr. Chiltan said, have a new leaf on lice. I hear some youngster outside howling because she's lost eight or nine dollars, so I'd better step out and comfort her. Please don't dis-like me for these letters. I haven't any sense left, I'm so tired, but I love you heaps, even if I haven't, and I'm your most obedient wif - Daphne.
World War I Diaries and Letters