Conger Reynolds correspondence, May 1918
1918-05-06 Daphne Reynolds to Conger Reynolds Page 1
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PM 5/6/18 Belovedest,- I can not avoid writing another letter to you tonight, even tho I run the awful risk of making you feel too sure - so dead sure that I bore you at times. This is the sort of night that lifts me way out of myself into - no, we can't say Heaven exactly, but I don't know a good name for the place. Perhaps its Purgatory, 'tho I don't know much
PM 5/6/18 Belovedest,- I can not avoid writing another letter to you tonight, even tho I run the awful risk of making you feel too sure - so dead sure that I bore you at times. This is the sort of night that lifts me way out of myself into - no, we can't say Heaven exactly, but I don't know a good name for the place. Perhaps its Purgatory, 'tho I don't know much
World War I Diaries and Letters