Conger Reynolds correspondence, May 1918
1918-05-06 Daphne Reynolds to Conger Reynolds Page 3
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sneak out of bed and run for the swamp. Generally one of the boys would follow, but they were nice enough to leave me alone and not talk to me. We used to have dreadful arguments during the day about my nightly excursions because of wolves, but I couldn't stay in when I had the "wander-lust" Sorry! It has to be done. I'm in Naomi's room and using her
sneak out of bed and run for the swamp. Generally one of the boys would follow, but they were nice enough to leave me alone and not talk to me. We used to have dreadful arguments during the day about my nightly excursions because of wolves, but I couldn't stay in when I had the "wander-lust" Sorry! It has to be done. I'm in Naomi's room and using her
World War I Diaries and Letters