Conger Reynolds correspondence, May 1918
1918-05-13 Emily Reynolds to Conger Reynolds Page 6
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appreciative as they should have been, and are sorry, but how they do love me which I know they do so much, but I don't feel that I ever did more than I should have done. I only wish I could have done more for all you dear, dear children, and of course, can now see, with the years of experience to help, where I might have done better. But I do love to know how you all love one so, and are so appreciative of any efforts. You have all made life very very happy for me and done so much for me. Instead of the usual flowers they sent a great big box of chocolates, which father and I are greatly
appreciative as they should have been, and are sorry, but how they do love me which I know they do so much, but I don't feel that I ever did more than I should have done. I only wish I could have done more for all you dear, dear children, and of course, can now see, with the years of experience to help, where I might have done better. But I do love to know how you all love one so, and are so appreciative of any efforts. You have all made life very very happy for me and done so much for me. Instead of the usual flowers they sent a great big box of chocolates, which father and I are greatly
World War I Diaries and Letters