Conger Reynolds correspondence, May 1918
1918-05-15 Conger Reynolds to Daphe Reynolds Page 7
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Hinshaw I knew in New York. I am very glad to have his address, for now I shall try to find him when I go to Paris. I'll tell him about Iras and keep him guessing for a little while. My good wishes to our mother. I hope your care is making her rolly-polly as she ought to be. I wish she might dine with me for awhile on Martine's cooking. That would surely fatten her up. Which is not even intimating that your feeding will not do as well. Fortunately, however, I have no illusions about my wife's cooking. I don't think I'd want it to be as good as Martine's because anyone who is such an ar-
Hinshaw I knew in New York. I am very glad to have his address, for now I shall try to find him when I go to Paris. I'll tell him about Iras and keep him guessing for a little while. My good wishes to our mother. I hope your care is making her rolly-polly as she ought to be. I wish she might dine with me for awhile on Martine's cooking. That would surely fatten her up. Which is not even intimating that your feeding will not do as well. Fortunately, however, I have no illusions about my wife's cooking. I don't think I'd want it to be as good as Martine's because anyone who is such an ar-
World War I Diaries and Letters